Rules and punishments

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Anastasias pov

The ride home was long and silent, but not that awkward silence whenever someone walks into class late and everyone goes silent but the relaxing type of silence. I lay my head against the car window still comprehending the Fact id been adopted by the one and only Natasha Romanoff.

We reached the avengers tower and got out of the car. She grabbed my hand and led me to the elevator. When we got to the common room everyone turned and looked at us with a look I couldn't figure out on their faces.

"Okay guys you all, already know her but this is Anastasia my daughter" Natasha said to the avengers in the room.

I looked at Tony as i heard him groan "what?" Natasha asked curiously and slightly protectively "i wanted to adopt her" Tony said in a childish tone crossing his arms making everyone laugh "too bad she's mine" Natasha said

"Thank god she finally adopted you, she hasn't stopped talking about how she always wanted a kid like you" Clint said to me making me smirk.

"Shut it bird brain before i make you" Natasha says smirking at him and i watched as he cowered away from her.

Natasha pov
We sat with the rest of the avengers for a while before i said "okays guys I'm gonna take anastasia from you guys so we can talk" to which they all nodded. I guided her to my room and once we were in i pointed to the edge of the bed and said "sit" to which she complied

"okay so as you know there is a few more rules which ill explain in a minute but there's also punishments and until your room is decorated and ready you'll be sleeping in here with me is that okay with you?" I asked hr wanting to know if she was ready for this talk "yes ma'am" she responds to me and i look at her "what was the rule i told you in the car?"i asked in a stern tone "oh sorry yes mama" she corrects her mistake "better we'll start with the rules"

1. You'll do what i say
2. Come to me for permission to what someone else told you to do me all school reports, test results, everything like that
4.bedtimes 10 pm m weekdays 11pm on weekends
5.your curfew is 8pm unless i say otherwise
6.when you get your own room it must be tidied before bed and will be inspected by yours truly eat three meals a day and ill tell you if you've eaten enough or not cursing smoking, drinking, or drugs must call me, mom, mama or mommy your choice must do all your homework everyday ill be checking
12. Ill be doing random phone checks to make sure your not doing anything you shouldn't be.

"I know that's a lot but its only put in place because i care about you" i tell her. He nods and you can practically see the wheels turning in her head as she tries to remember all of the rules so i go to the desk and get a blank piece of paper and a pen and hand it to her. "Here I'm giving you ten minutes to learn them and write them down and then ill come back and check them and if you got any wrong you'll get another ten minutes and so on til you know them off by heart" and with that i left the room.

                                                                                              ~ten minutes later~

I go back to my room to see if she has all the rules learnt "do you have them learnt?" I ask and she nods handing me the paper

"1. I do what you say
2. Come to you for permission to what someone else told meto do you all school reports, test results, everything like that
4.bedtimes 10 pm m weekdays 11pm on weekends
5.curfew is 8pm unless you say otherwise
6.when i get your own room it must be tidied before bed and will be inspected by yours truly (you)
7.i eat three meals a day and you'll tell me if I've eaten enough or not cursing smoking, drinking, or drugs
10.i must call you, mom, mama or mommy my choice
11. must do all my homework everyday you'll be checking
12. You'll be doing random phone checks to make sure I'm not doing anything i shouldn't be."

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