The more the merrier

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Anastasia's Pov
While me and peter were eating our breakfast and watching star wars on my phone my phone buzzed. I looked over at it to see miss spider sent a message into a group chat? I then looked up at peter to see him smirking like an idiot.

Natshas Pov
I was once again feeling my life slip away from me from the pure boredom of another meeting, when i got a notification.i looked at my phone to see I was in a group chat that Anastasia added me to with another number.
New gang

Miss spider lady
Anastasia what it this?

That's a good question actually i didnt make it

I shall explain
This my friends is a group chat with some spider lady i saw Anastasia messaging
And because she seems cool i wanna message her too so i took Anastasia's phone
And made this group chat .

Miss spider lady
Okay then...

Oh then i guess i better do introductions
Miss spider lady this is my best friend peter.
Peter as you know this is miss spider lady.

Miss spider lady
Nice to meet you peter

Nice to meet you too miss spider lady
*miss spider lady changed ??? To miss spider lady
*peter changed ??? To miss spider lady
Miss spider lady
So how old re you guys anyway?

Anastasia is going to turn 15 soon and I just turned 16

I think its dangerous enough were telling her our names
But did you really just have to go tell her our ages too?

Okay i gtg i before Ana try's to kill me

Miss spider lady

It means got to go and that's what i have to do rn

Miss spider lady
Read at 6:43

I sat thinking to myself how much Anastasia reminds me of well... me. It's weird but i just feel like we have some sort of connection. I mean we have the same personality. Attitude. She has an annoying best friend. Speaking of best friends i look over to see Clint staring at me with a baffled look on his face. I just roll my eyes and go back to thinking about Anastasia excited (for once) for her to message again. And then as if it was planned my phone buzzes again and long behold it's Anastasia

It means right now

Ms spider lady

Miss spider lady can i ask you something

Ms spider lady
Hit me

Was it you that tried to hack my phone but failed miserably

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