The lying witch and a warden/The Beginning

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"Foolish child, I could swallow you whole" Gildersnake said while snarling down at The Great Witch Azura

"Do not underestimate me, Gildersnake, for I am The Good Witch Azura, warrior of peace" Azura says wind blowing through her hair

"Now eat this sucker!" Azura says getting into a position holder her staff on her shoulder as a bazooka and blasting Gildersnake

"No! My only weakness! Dying!" He says and falls down with a massive thud after getting beaten by azura

"And thats the end" Luz says holding her Azura doll, she is wearing black leggings, a pair of jean shorts, a purple and white hoodie and 2 black circle earrings

"The end of what?" Luz's mum, Camila says wearing a light blue nursing uniform and red framed glasses as it reveals she is standing beside the principals desk

"Our book report, obviously" Y/n says wearing black sweatpants, a gray undershirt, and a pure white zip up hoodie sitting beside Luz holding a small green snake around his neck

"I think we knocked it out of the park" Luz says with a smile as the snake unwraps itself from Y/n's neck and bite's the Azura doll

"Agreed" Y/n says while leaning back in his chair after removing the snake from the doll

"Your book report is exactly why your in here" Luzs principal, Hal says before he gestures to the door showing 2 students running and screaming with snakes on the back of there heads

"Oh. That's where the backup snakes were" luz says looking completely unfazed by the chaos that had unfolded

"So why am i here?" Y/n says looking confused as to why he is in the office right now

"You have had many reasons to be here, maybe this will ring a bell" He says before placing a small black metal orb on the desk

"Oh thats were it went" he says going to take it but the principal puts his hand on it

"You used this to make a hollagram that almost put a couple of our teachers in the hospital" He says before pressing a on button as it begins to show a hollagram of a terrifing spider and then turning it off

"And what were you going to do with this?" Camila says before holding up a large firework with other small ones taped to it

"That was for the act three closer" Luz says looking down sad

"Mija, I love your creativity, but its gotten out of hand, do you remember why you were in the principals office the last three times?" She says getting down to Luz's eye level


"Oh happy dagger give me death" Luz says in a green dress and hat holding a spork with a sign that says Romeo and Juliet try outs in the back, As Luz stabs herself with the 'dagger' she rips open her dress pulling out sausage links as everyone else runs off the stage

"Oh my beloved Juliet what has this forsaken world done to you, I shall join you in the sweet release of death" Y/n says in a olden ragged uniform, He then procceds to pour what turns out to be vinegar in his mouth along with baking soda as he falls to the ground twitching as it pours out his mouth

(Flashback number 2)

Luz is shown sewing a pigeon head on a squirel body as its labeled 'Baby Griffin' "Now for the final anatomically correct touch. Spider breath" Luz says before opening its mouth as Spiders pour out the mouth

"Awesome" Y/n says while picking up a small catopult and lauching the spiders at the hiding students

(Flashback 3 and fuck it why not add a goose)

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