I was a teenage abomination/The new witch in school

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"Mom, what the fuck" Y/n says looking at the dead carcus trying not to puke

"I dont like this" Luz says with the same amount of disgust

"It doesnt get more inspiring than the trash slug" Eda says kneeling infront of it "It makes a home from what others have thrown by the wayside" She says throwing away a rubber chicken "Untill bang, it gets blasted by a wave one day and dies from the salt" She says taking out a pickaxe "and we get to sell what it ate" She says shoving the pickaxe to the 2

"Please dont make me" Luz says backing into Y/n's arms as he holds her

"Oh cmon luz" King says walking away "its not everyday you get to go to the dump and pick apart a garbage carcass" He says placing down a ducky towel

"Ah nuts to you both" Eda says before breaking open the trash slug

"So Eda" Luz says walking towards her "What if we tried some new lessons for my apprenticeship?" She says flinching at the thuds of junk "Like, read ancient scrolls or mix potions or" She says as Y/n agrees

"Ugh, thats sounds like a bunch of magic school stuff" Eda says throwing away a landline phone as Y/n takes it and puts it on a mat for later

"Wait theres a magic school here?" y/n asks pulling out a ton of other broken electronics and placing them on the mat

"Like winding towers, cute uniforms, dark life threatening plots kind of magic school" Luz says holding her hands together

"You read to much harry potter" Y/n says pulling out a broken pc and monitor placing them with other electronics on the mat

"Yep, whats worse is they force you to learm magic the proper way" Eda says with air qoutes

"Yea that sounds cool but im gonna go sign up for school, mum could you place any electronics on my mat, thanks bye" Y/n says running off to the school

'5 min later'

Y/n arrives at hexside and walks through the halls looking for the principals office

"Excuse me do you know where the principals office is?" Y/n asks a bard track girl

"Oh yea its right down that hall and to the right" The girl says pointing to the hall

"Thanks cutie bye" Y/n says walking to the office away from the now blushing girl

Y/n knocks on the office door and receives a small 'come in' and walks in to find a man wearing a black and yellow robe with blue strips and what looks to be a gremlin on his head

"Who are you and what do you need" The principal says looking at the teen with interest

"Hi im Y/n clawthorne and I wanted to enroll here" Y/n says with a kind smile hoping to get in

"Clawthorne? Your mother wouldnt happen to be lilith would it?" The principal asks with interest on his last name

"Um no sorry my mothers name is edalyn I dont know lilith" Y/n says looking down thinking he disapointed the man

"Oh her well if you want in you will have to have mastered 2 spells, by the way my name is principal bump, so show me what you got" Bump says now standing infront of his desk

"Well thats easy" Y/n says before drawing a dark grey magic circle "Abomination rise" He says as a abomination rises around the same height as Bump but taller

"Wow great abomination magic, but what others do you have?" Bump says impressed by the young boy

"Well I have this" Y/n says before drawing a magic circle and creating a black fire ball above his hand

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