Something ventured Someone framed

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We cut to Hexside

"Behold, the wonders of the human realm" Gus says as we see a cheese grater labelled as 'nail clippers', a chip bag closed by a flip phone labelled as 'woopie cushion', a umbrella hat with trash in it labled 'food bowl', a rubix cube labelled 'weapon?' (Might as well be a weapon to my brain) and finally a paperclip labelled 'pay-per-clorp'

"This fella is one of there most valued objects" Gus says as we now see him in his uniform with a paper crown that's labelled president

"It aids in the compiling of printed wisdom, the scratching of gunk from under your nails, and my favorite, It mimics the sounds of the human ocean"  Gus says twanging it as it makes sounds that is not the ocean

"Ah the human realm, so beautiful, Its safe to say the pay-per-clorp is a stunning testament to human ingenuity, any questions?" Gus says turning to 4 students as 3 are asleep and one raises his hand

"Ah yes our new member matt" Gus says letting him speak

"Augustus, is this really what the president of the human appreciation society, thinks passes as 'Human Artifacts'" Matt (so i don't have to say
the full thing) says with air quotes as Gus raises an eyebrow

"Because at my old school" Matt says moving Gus's stuff to the side "we had real treasures" He says dumping out his clearly fake artifacts on the table

He placed down a rock that was painted to look like a phone, a egg with a skull drawn on it, and finally a shoe made of mud, leaves and wood as the students gasp

"Go ahead touch them, In my club we didnt have any dumb rules" Matt says as Gus carresses the list of rules

"He didnt mean that" Gus says before taking Matt's artifacts "well this isnt your club, thankfully" Gus say wiht sass

"Exactly, who thinks I should be president" Matt says getting mostly agreements

"Theses are fakes" Gus says picking up the phone rock

"You cant prove that, your just trying to distract these human appreciators" Matt says gesturing to the others "your afraid of getting kicked out of office, its your word against mine" He says cockilly

"What if I brought in a pair of experts" Gus says after noticing a pic of Luz on the wall

"Yea right, who could you find that are bigger experts that any of us" Matt say pointing ot himself

"How about a real human and a witch that lived in the human world" Gus says as the group get excited

"And they have never been here, why?" Matt asks as Gus looks at the picture of Luz

"Well there busy, they have jobs, buy Ill bring them tomorrow, they will prove im right" Gus says cocky

"Sure you will augustus, sure you will" Matt says sitting back down

(Intro, idk what to say)

We cut to see Y/n walking home from a visit with Skara and watches Gus leave the owl house before entering

"Hey babe why was Gus here" Y/n says as he puts down his bag and sits next to her

"Babe you wont believe it, Gus got my banned lifted I can enroll at hexside" Luz says grabbing his uniform

"Your right, I don't believe it, something doesn't add up" Y/n says as Luz brushes off the negativity

We cut to Y/n who is with the abominations professor as He was asking Y/n for help with his textbook

"Ooh, its the abomination professor" Luz says as Y/n recognizes her voice "I should introduce myself and apologize for the incident" Luz says before getting his attention

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