Escaping Expulsion/Do We Have A Deal?

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We cut to see a factory with a sign outside that says 'BLIGHT INDUSTRIES, A SUBSIDIARY OF THE ABOMINATION COVEN' and cut to see a banner above the door for a private sale and lower to see Edric and Emira greeting and pranking the robed folk

We now see a stage and a light shines on it revealing 2 robed figures

"Welcome, valued investors, to our annual, blight industries private sale!" The first robed figure says and throws the robe off revealing Odalia Blight and the other tries to take off the robe only to fall in the proccess revealing it to be Alador Blight (the good parent)

"If you are interested in, reliable home security, were here to help" Odalia says as Alador just looks tired

"And if you've got an enemy or 2, well, who are we to judge" Odalia says with a wink as the crowd laughs

"This is my husband, Alador Blight, the greatest abomination creator of the era" (not for long) Odalia says gesturing to the poor man behind her

"My name is Odalia, and as an oracle, I predict that you will love what we have got in store for you tonight" Odalia says as she grabs her necklace which is glowing

"We are proud to present, the first glimpse of our crowning achievement" Odalia says as her and Alador walk off as Amity and an abomination with a bronze chestplate rish onto stage

"The Abomiton soldier" Odalia says as Amity gestures to it (the auto correct thinks im tryna say abortion)

"It will pour your tea" Odalia says as the abomination pours Amity a cup of tea

"help you keep up with the latest trends" Odalia says again as we see the abomination giving Amity the worst fucking hair cut of all time as she has fake lashes and make up on

"And best of all, it will defend you against any unwanted visitors" Odalia says as the abomination and Amity face each other ready to fight and Odalia grabs her necklace

"Mama to mittens" Odalia says in Amity's head using Oracle magic "Remember our deal, make this look good, and we will forgive your recent lackluster performance at school" She says as Amity sighs

"Yes mom" Amity says in a monotone voice and steps back dodging a punch from the abomination "wow its so fast and strong, order now" Amity says in the same monotone voice dodging another voice

Alador yawns as we see a meter labled 'Units Ordered' fill up before the abomination grabs Amity lifting her into the air

"Oh no its undefeatable, how will I ever escape" Amity says before a photo of her on the shoulders of Y/n, with Gus, Willow and Luz behind her

The abomination is about to step on the photo before Amity gasps and casts a spell circle ripping the arm of the abomination apart before landing and drawing a larger one destroying it and the crowd boos

"Oh of course, that was only a beta test, we cant wait to see you all next week when we reveal the, uh the finished product in all its glory" Odalia says as Amity grabs the photo off the floor

"Amity! You just lost us a lot of money, what is with you lately!" Odalia says before seeing Amity smiling at the photo

"I see. Looks like our precious Mittens has been getting distracted" Odalia says with a scowl

(Intro, the owl house season 3 was finally put onto disney+ canada so Im happy)

We now see the weathervane of the owl house with a cauldron on top of it and Hooty hits making a ringing sound before we see Luz

"Light in the darkness, a glittering bridge of ice, the mightiest tree in the forest, you can make all these and more with glyph magic" Luz says activating an Ice, Light and Plant glyph before holding up a Fire Glyph and Y/n takes a cover off a chalkboard

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