(Chapter) Im sick I get to be a bitch

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This is a week after 'The Intruder'

"Hey mom i'm gonna-gonna" Y/n said dressed in a black shirt, a red hoodie with blue and white cuffs, jeans and black sneakers, He lets out a violent sneeze "I'm gonna go hang out with Amity" Y/n says before walking to the door

"Hold up are you feeling ok" Eda says coming into the room and starting to check on her son

"Yes mom i'm fine just congested" Y/n says pushing her off before she noticed and small mushroom on his neck

"Hey your not fine you have the common mold" Eda says pulling him away from the door

"Its a virus that gets worse the more you move so you are not going anywhere" Eda says making him sit down on the couch

"But mom I promised Amity we would hang out today" Y/n says as another small mushroom sprouts

"Well you will to cancel I cant have you getting even more sick" Eda says going to the kitchen

"But!" Y/n says standing up

"No buts now sit" Eda says making him sit with magic "I have to get Luz to get you some medicine in bonesborough" Eda says before pulling out ingredients for soup "Hey Luz come here" She yells upstairs as Luz comes down

"Whats up Eda we gonna learn more magic" Luz says before noticing Y/n's condition as he has puffy eyes and a red nose "omg babe are you ok?" She says going to check on him

"Im fine, but mom wont let me see my friends!" Y/n says slurring his words a bit before pouting

"Kid your sick so your not aloud to go out, anyways Luz I need you to go and get some medicine from town" Eda says handing her about 60 snails

"Alright Eda ill be back soon" Luz says giving Y/n a kiss before leaving

"Alright kid now im making you some food that will help with it" Eda says stirring the soup

"I dont want it" Y/n says pouting again and acting like a baby

"You will eat it or ill force you" Eda says in a more threating tone

"Like you can catch me"  Y/n says before running around the house causing chaos to unfold drasticly

"Ugh your getting a pass today" Eda says before instructing owlbert to watch the soup and chasing after him

We cut to Luz walking in bonesborough before seeing Gus and Willow "Hey guys" She says walking up to the 2

"Hey Luz" the 2 say at the same time

"What are you doing here?" Willow asks as Gus is wondering the same

"Im getting medicine for Y/n he has something called the common mold" Luz says looking around for a medicine stand

"Awe thats awful, we should get him some get better gifts" Willow suggests

"Yea I bet he would like that" Gus says as the start to help Luz look for the medicine while also looking for gift

As the 3 look around they look around all the stores and get there gifts for him

"Hey Luz you think he would like these" Gus says pointing to a pair of steampunk googles

"Yea he would love that" Luz says as she looks for her own gift

"Oh oh im gonna get him this" Willow says pointing to a kit of tools

"Great choice Willow" Luz says giving her a thumbs up

They see the medicine stand and run up to it

"Excuse me im here to get a medicine called 'Lilac moon' " Luz says leaning at the shopkeeper

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