The Covention

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We cut to an empty owl house until we go downstairs to see Y/n and Hooty chilling watching videos on Y/n's phone

"Whats that" Hooty says pointing to the phone

"Those are baking utensils Hooty, there for baking cakes and stuff" Y/n says before thinking about making something special tonight

"Oh cool" Hooty says before the 2 continue watching the rest of the video

A knock on the door is heard as Y/n gets up and opens the door revealing the one and only Amity blight, why dont we see what was in her mind while walking here

(Flashback 5 min)

'I cant believe im asking senpai out on a date to the covention, im so nervous but we have been getting closer since he got better' Amity thinks before showing up and panicking before knocking

"Hey Amity whats up" Y/n says leaning against the door as Hooty is still watching the video

"S-senpai, I-I would like to I-Invite you to the covention" Amity says struggling to get it out

"Um I think I have time so I should be able to come with you I just gotta get some things if you wanna come inside" Y/n says as Amity gains a huge smile

"Yes! I-I mean yes please" Amity says as the 2 walk in

"You can chill on the couch or you can come check out my room if ya want" Y/n says about to walk up the stairs

"Sure ill come with you" Amity says as the 2 enter Y/n ands Luz's shared room

"Make yourself at home" Y/n says before cleaning up a bit and grabbing his wallet, In the time that he was not sick he has either been tinkering at his work desk or cleaning and decorating the room making it like an actual room

Amity looks around and sits on the shared bed that Y/n found and deep cleaned

"Alright im ready, but I need to make a couple stops in town on the way there" Y/n says walking out wearing a light brown coat a purple and black hoodie a pair of blue jeans and blue sneakers and see's Amity at his workbench "Find something that caught your eye" he says walking up beside her

"Y-yea I was looking at your storage system" Amity says gesturing to the multiple drawers embedding in the wall

"Oh yea I made that so I can have everything sorted" Y/n says opening and closing a couple drawers

"Wow well lets go" Amity says as the 2 walk through the town as Y/n as to make a couple stops before ending up at the covention

"So what is this place?" Y/n says looking at the surrounding stands

"This place is a place wear young witches can discover the coven that suits them the most" Amity says as Y/n looks inspired

"Awesome, i'm probably not gonna join a coven though" Y/n says making Amity basically snap her neck to look at him

"What why you would be amazing in the abominations coven maybe even the emperors coven" Amity says grabbing his arm as the look at the abomination coven stand

"My teacher said that joining a coven takes away your magical varieties, join a coven you can only do that magic unless its the emperors" Y/n says arms crossed

"I-i guess you make a point" Amity says rethinking a couple things "Wanna go check out the supposed surprise guest" Amity says pointing to the poster

"Sure lets go" Y/n says as the 2 walk to the emporers coven panel

The 2 walk in and sit down as principal bump shows up on the stage

"Hello bonesborough, students ask me all the time, principal bump whats the height of magical achievement" Bump says shrugging

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