Echoes of the past/The thorny defense

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We open to see a flashback of a younger Eda running through boiling rain and running inside of some sort of tour

She jumps in and takes off her hood revealing orange hair with gray lines as she checks her cloak for holes 2 glowing orange eyes are seen behind her, we then see her walking around many small statues

A shadow moves past her "Who's there? Reveal yourself" Eda says before she turns around and gasps

(Intro) (wassup)

We see Luz with a note book on her lap as she tries to draw a glyph but scribbles it out

"Luz you gotta help" King says coming over to the girl "I think Francois is tryna start a rebellion" King says pointing to the stuffed bunny sitting on a mountain of plushies as a knife falls from behind the plushie

"In a minute King, I am getting so close to figuring out this glyph combo, why don't you go ask Y/n" Luz says writing in her book again

"I did, he's outside training his new abomination" King says as we look outside and see Y/n outside standing between his ice abomination and a forest green abomination with thorns around the wrists and neck

"Ice! Spear! Plant! Pod!" Y/n commands as his Ice abomination slams the ground sending a ice spike at the plant abomination only for the plant abomination to stomp making a plant pod surround him blocking the spear

"Alright good job you guys, now lets take a break" Y/n says as his abominations cower

"Hey Y/n!" Luz calls out

"Hey Babe, whats up" Y/n says walking over and seeing the organs in the door from Hootys......move and he throws up

"Were going on a trip" Luz says as she holds up owlbert

"Lets go then" Y/n says wiping the vomit off his lip

Suddenly his scroll dings and he looks at it seeing he got a text from his new girlfriend Viney who is named 'Beast in bed' (im funny)

"One sec, Viney is asking what looks better on her" Y/n says as Viney sends him 2 images, one of her in a leopard print bra and the other of her in a cheetah print bra

"Both are great but I like the cheetah print more love, but its your choice" Y/n texts back and puts his scroll away

"Alright I am ready" Y/n says as the 5 including Hooty fly off

We cut to see the 5 flying as King is squinting

"Are we still flying? It's been hours" Hooty complains from Lilith's back

"Should we call it a day? Or perhaps a night" Lilith says as she laughs to herself

"Hooty, your sense of humor is infectious" Lilith says as Hooty smiles

"There it is" King says as the 5 look down and see an island and begin their descent

"This island shouldn't be here, it's not on any maps" Lilith says looking at said island

"Its always been there when I look for it" King replies smugly to Lilith

The 5 land and get off their staffs

"After I shrunk I woke up here in Eda's arms and she carried me away, like a wittle baby" King says in a baby voice for the last part

"Aw" Luz and Y/n say before Luz groans at Lilith

"Fine, aw" Lilith lets out being forced

"Look" Hooty says as we look up ahead and see a tower in the smoke

"Home sweet home" King says as the rest are baffled

We then see the 5 walking tower

"That tower is certainly intriguing" Lilith says before falling and Hooty slams his face into a tree catching her "thank you hootsifer" Lilith thanks the bird tube

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