The first day/ The new bad witch in detention

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We cut to a dark screen before we see Luz holding a light glyph with Eda and Y/n with her

"Eda, Y/n I'm not ready for this we should go back" Luz says as Y/n puts an arm around her

"Babe you got this don't worry, I promise you will do good" Y/n says as Eda agrees

"But what if I do something wrong, what if I kill someone" Luz says as Y/n looks at Eda

"Hey calm down calm down, Y/n and I had to do the same thing" Eda says putting a hand on Luz "Granted we are more skilled" She says as Y/n glares a bit

"Eda" Y/n and Luz say before she straightens up

"Right right sorry" Eda says before hyping Luz up and just as Luz is about to walk off Y/n stops her

"Hey babe" Y/n says as Luz gets closer and He leans to her ear "If you get in, all reward you tonight" Y/n whispers into her ear seductively before Luz blushes and walks onto stage

We now see a curtain and a banner that says 'HEXSIDE SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAMS' and Luz walks on in a cloak

"From the humblest of beginnings a hero will rise" Luz says in a narrator voice "I have traveled from another realm and trained with a powerful with to master an ancient magic" Luz says dramatically before ripping off the cloak "I am Luz Noceda" She says revealing her in her normal attire along with a small fanny pack

We see Y/n clapping behind the curtain and Bump sitting alone in the audience

Luz laughs nervously "confetti" She says throwing confetti from her pocket

"Right the human, against my better judgement I will allow you to take this exam, but can you do magic is the question" Bump says as Y/n looks a bit nervous

"I sure can" Luz says pointing at him "Its said that humans cant do magic" She says taking out glyphs from her fanny pack "But I discovered a lost technique that changes everything" She says as Bump leans forward clearly interested

Luz activates an ice and light glyph making a glowing ball hover above an ice pillar as she does jazz hands

"Spells cast with paper, I have never heard of such a thing, but will it be enough to pass the exam" Bump says impressed and in thought

Luz gets nervous as the ice is melting and Y/n gives her a gesture meaning 'improvise'

"I can do other things, what about this" Luz says before folding her eyes and exposing her eyelids

"Bleep bloop bleep" Luz says as Bump looks unimpressed

"Babe I love you but that's not what I meant" Y/n says shaking his head

"Ow ow eyelash" Luz says slipping on the puddle of water made by her ice and getting caught in her cloak before falling off stage into Bumps lap and falling on the floor

"Sorry sorry" Luz says backing away but as she does she activates a ice glyph. As the ice rises from the glyph it catches her foot making her face to face with Bump

"I failed didn't I" Luz says making Eda and Y/n worry

"Believe it or not, I have seen worse" Bump says as Luz falls face first onto the floor

"Welcome to Hexside school of magic and demonics" Bump says dropping a panflit on her head as she lets out a shaky hooray

"Woo! You did it Luz" Y/n says picking her up and hugging her before leaning to her ear "why don't we go home and celebrate" He whispers to Luz as she goes beet red and the 3 go home

Lets just say there was a lot of moaning and screaming that night

(Intro, I not gonna be able to watch the finally on its release so ill have to fucking wait till it gets released on disney+ in canada)

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