Adventures in the elements/A new abomination form!?

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We open up to see Luz reading a hexside panflit laying down on Y/n's chest as King is laying on her

"Guys listen to this" Luz says as King interrupts her

"Hey less reading more scratching" King says getting off as Luz sits up and gets off Y/n as he also sits up

"Sorry King, since I'm gonna be a student at hexside, I wanna learn all about it" Luz says as Y/n laughs a bit

"I have a new crush and her name is Education" Luz says shoving the panflit in Kings face before turning to Y/n seeing him fake hurt and she gives him a kiss

Suddenly the door is kicked open "Hey freeloaders, guess what today is" Eda says as we now see Y/n with Luz in his lap

"Is it your birthday" Luz says as King pipes up

"Is it my birthday" King asks getting scratched by Y/n

"Its my birthday" Hooty says before Eda slams the door

"No its human treasure day" Eda says and opens the portal door and Owlbert comes through with a bag that rips open as he places it down and Eda jumps in it

"Ah fresh garbage" Eda says as Y/n gets up and takes a look through it taking a gaming console and a couple other electronic devices

"Ooh gimme gimme gimme" King says pulling out a tan teddy bear "yes another worthy addition to my army of terror" He says as he pulls a string on the back of it

"I love cuddles and kisses" The bear says as Y/n laughs a bit

"Truly horrifying" King says staring at it

"Like when Luz tries to kiss and cuddle me" Y/n says as a book gets thrown hitting him in the head "it was a joke!" He says getting playfully flipped off by Luz

"Hey kid your trash is getting cold" Eda says reaching in pulling out a clothes hanger "while mines getting hot, I have never seen such a nice earring" Eda says looking for a second

"You can have my trash" Luz says reading the panflit "Did you know that hexside was built on the bones of its rival school, literally" she says showing a young bump holding a hexside flag

"Yes I know, I went there remember" Eda says wearing the 2 clothes hangers as earring "worst time of my life" She says moving her hair around "oh hello, I might wear these out, mama hasnt had a good fuck in years" She says as Y/n slowly turns to her looking disgusted

"Can you imagine it, me in the halls of hexside, studying with Willow, Gus, Y/n, Amity" Luz says before dropping the panflit "Amity, oh cramity, I need to get my book back" She says as she and Y/n run out

(Intro im getting tired of this damn intro music)

We now cut to Y/n and Luz looking for Amity at the market

"There she is" Y/n says pulling her towards her

"Hi Luz and Y/n" Edric and Emira suddenly pop up and say scaring the 2

"Edric, Emira, stop bothering them" Amity says helping the 2 up

"Sorry guys they insisted on coming for some reason" Amity says before getting hugged by Emira

"Because we love you baby sister" Emira says getting pushed off

"They have been extra nice and protective to make up for the library incident" Amity says as Y/n laughs a bit remembering the fun they had while cleaning up

"And we still apologize everyday" Edric says going into frame before getting pushed off by Amity

"In any case, here is your book back" Amity says handing Luz her good witch azura 5

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