Separate Tides/A Pirates Life For Me

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We cut to see Y/n and Luz walking through a cave with Luz holding Owlbert and a light Glyph as Y/n is wearing his fire armor before the hear a deep laugh and see the shadow of a giant monster

"Foolish children, leave this place before you meet your demise" The shadow says growling

"Do not underestimate us, Garlog" The 2 say smiling at each other "For I am the good witch Luz" She says pointing at the shadow

"And I am Y/n, the abomination knight" Y/n says drawing his sword

"Hunter of monsters" Luz says as the wind blows her hair and hoodie

"Now eat this sucker-what?" The 2 say as Luz is getting on a knee and holding Owlbert like a bazooka and Y/n gets in a fighting stance before we see the monster is actually tiny and playing tricks with a lamp before trying to run away

"Your Garlog?" Luz says picking him up and comparing him to a wanted poster

"This is pathetic" Y/n says as his armor disappears

"Small I may be, but you will soon know fear, when I lay waste to all that you" The tiny demon says before getting cut off by King trying to eat him

"King drop it now" Y/n says as Kings tail wags

"Drop it now" Luz demands letting the small demon go and King runs

"No King get back here" Y/n says as the 2 start to chase him

"We are not playing right now" Luz says as the 2 continue to chase

(Intro)(how yall been since the finale)

We now cut to the owl house and see the window of Luz and Y/n's shared room swaying in the wind

We now see the small demon in a bottle

"Boop" Luz says pressing where his nose is and he stops, Luz sets up her phone to record

"Hola mama, you haven't heard from me in a while, it has been a week and a half since the petrification ceremony, a week and a half since I, destroyed the only way home" Luz says as Y/n walks in

"Hey babe, what ya doing" Y/n says passing her some water as she chugs it

"I'm making a video for my mum" Luz says as he sits down "I just told her how long it has been since we destroyed the portal home" Luz says laughing a bit as Y/n looks sad

"I had to, Emperor Belos was going to kill Eda if I didn't hand it over, But I couldn't let him use it so I blew it up with some fire magic" Luz explains to the camera before rubbing her forehead

"She is not gonna understand any of this, that's ok Luz just keep moving forward" Luz hypes herself up

"This world is filled with inexplicable magical wonders, like this portal key" Luz says as she takes it out "I don't know if it contains magic, but I am gonna study all I can and find a way back to you" Luz says as Y/n hugs her from behind

"And look I have friends to help" Luz says lifting her leg revealing King hugging it

"I'm never letting you go! Your never returning to the human realm" King yells at the camera

"He doesn't mean that" Luz says as the 3 stand up

"Yes I do!" King yells as Luz turns off the camera and we now see Eda practicing magic

"This is Eda the owl lady, the most pwerdul witch om the boiling isles" Luz says as Eda trys to raise her apple blood bottle

"Well she was, until her curse over powered her and weakened her magic" Y/n says as the apple blood bottle explodes sending it everywhere

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