Ch. 13

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You stood there silently.

Eventually you decided to just comply with the odd voice and answered it.

"My name is (y/n)." You spoke out into the void.

"(y/n)? Hm..." The voice hummed. "Is that your true name?"

"I- um... I don't know." You stuttered. "I lost my memory years ago, s-so whatever name I had before has been lost to me."

You never liked to think about who you were before you were with Bowser. Anytime you came close to thinking about who you used to be, you would always push it down and tell yourself that it didn't matter anymore.

"You have chaotic magic..." The voice said coldly.

You felt a chill run down your spine.

The chilling tone of the woman's voice made you feel on edge as you tried to look around once again for the person speaking to you.

"I- um, yes, but-"

"Why are you here?" The voice asked you bluntly.

"Uh, t-the wielding trial." You answered, trying your best to get a hold of your nerves.

Silence once again engulfed your surroundings.

Your breathing was shaky, and your heart was pounding as you waited for the voice to speak again.

"Wielding trials are created within this domain, each one unique to the individual." The voice eventually said. "Trials are created for those born with magic. You were not born with magic."

"Please..." You quietly pleaded. "I just want to be able to control my magic..."

"Control your magic?"

"Um, y-yes..." You answered nervously.

"I knew someone like you. Someone who wanted to control this kind of magic. His name was Atlas" The voice said with disdain.

Your heart sank.

"I'm nothing like Atlas!" You yelled out in desperation. "I never even wanted chaotic magic!"

You quickly covered your mouth after saying this, immediately regretting shouting at the mysterious voice.

Standing there in anticipation, you waited for the voice to speak once again.

You then let out a gasp as you saw glowing, white magic begin to rise around you.

What is this?

Suddenly, the magic passed through your body.

You couldn't breathe for a second and became light headed as you tried to keep yourself balanced. You began to breathe heavily in and out as you tried to recover from what just happened.

"Wh- what the hell was that!?" You fearfully asked.

"I am simply reading your character." The voice spoke calmly. "I can see the reasons you are truly here. You wish to control your magic in order to live a normal life. While my domain is incapable of creating a trial for you, I could provide you with what you seek."

"Really?" You said hopefully.

"Yes." The voice answered. "But, I do fear giving you what you seek. While your motives are pure now, how do I know you won't become like him?"

"I would never become like him."

"The future is unpredictable. How a person becomes the way they are is based on their experiences." The voice said. "You have a lot left to experience (y/n)."

Duality (Luigi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now