Ch. 37

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Your eyes continued to burn with a white glow as the sudden sound of your name echoed throughout the chilling darkness.

Wait... that voice...

You didn't think you'd ever hear the voice of that shadowed man again, causing you to panic as you desperately looked around the void to see if he was truly there.

"I-I can hear you, but I can't see you! What's going on!?" You called out, your fearful mind racing with questions. "Are you really here!? Where have you been!? W-what is this place!? What the hell was that memory!?

"Be still, y/n."

Those words echoed around you and through your mind. A sudden wave of calm washed over your senses, pacifying your panic as the glow in your eyes slowy dimmed. The worry and fear that came from the unfamiliar voice within that strange forgotten memory began to fade as your mind was now, almost unwillingly, focused on the recognizable voice of that shadowed man.


Don't waste your time trying to find information about me.

Who I am, or even what I am, does not matter... for I am nothing."

"I... I'm sorry... Is this about me trying to research you?" You questioned as you gazed blankly into the darkness. "I-I just wanted to know what happened to you..."

"I will be alright... I am so sorry that I am not with you...

My shackles are tightly in the grip of... of a hypocritical charlatan who believes our magic is nothing but a mistake.

Despite the wavering hold of my connection to you, I was still able to bring you here. My captor does not realize how truly powerful chaotic magic can be when it comes to the mindscape."


"A place between reality and an individual's mind. For a moment, I feared you wouldn't be capable of reaching me here after I pulled you into your own subconscious, but your forgotten memory proved to be the perfect gateway..."

"Wait... you brought me here?" You asked in confusion. "Why?"

"In a moment of pure desperation, I brought you here with the little power and connection I have.

I couldn't risk you losing control of your magic when you chose to violently retaliate against... the, um- the first of the brothers..."

"First? Wait... oh no... no no no! I-I almost forgot about... Wait, so if I didn't lose control, then what did I do after I..." You trailed off for a moment as you kept replaying the events that occurred in your head. "DAMMIT! Mario and Luigi are probably furious with me! I'll be lucky if I don't wake up behind bars!"

"Breathe, y/n.

There is no need for that level of concern.

Neither brother seems to be holding anger towards you. Your loss of consciousness has mostly appeared to bring out feelings and emotions more towards that of...




"Wait, I... I don't understand..." You muttered. "How would you know that?"

"Like I said before, chaotic magic is powerful within the mindscape. Though this plane isn't physical, I hold a connection to our world that others could not fathom...

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