Chapter 017 - 40 kilometers per hour

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Chaos is beginning.

Unfortunately, 'the infected' are not only attack and spread outside the building of Zomaftec, but also entering the Zomaftec building.

That is because many, whom they assume as prey, run inside the building. So they just pursue it.

Another unfortunate event, they are welcomed by gunfire. So yes, if they are unable to avoid the hot bullets, they die, and can't be cured anymore.

But they are turned not into a brainless zombie, they are turned into apex predator that is fast, quick, athletic, and act by instinct. First, before they never heard or seen a gunshot, they might run blindly to the prey, but if they already know, they know how to hide, avoid, and wait their turn... Just completely like a hyena, a tiger, or even a lion, in the shape of a human.

But how come the gunfire happen? are they because of natural instinct? Some parts of it yes, but most of the part does not happen just like that.

General Jacob Jacobson who was coming together with Mr. President saw everything from the beginning from someplace inside the building. So he saw when the chaos start to happen, he saw how the first attack happen on the stage. He also saw his subordinates evacuate Mr. President. Since then he makes a quick command to all of his subordinates to open fire. So he gives permission for all of his subordinates to open fire on the infected, and of course, you know other casualties also can happen.

Now in a very unlucky situation, Ros and her associate are there, inside the Zomaftec building, quite near the stage.

"Situation already out of control. We must get away from here!" Ros said and try to pull her associate hand in the direction of their archeology room.

"NO! not there! The last time I left, Prof. Bill and others were discussing something at his lab, maybe they already found a solution there. Besides, Gerald is there." Ros's associate stops Ros to go to the archeology room direction, instead, she pulls back Ros's arms to Prof. Bill's lab direction.

"No... We can't leave our research result there, at least I need my laptop!" Ros said insist.

"What is the meaning of your laptop if we are bitten?!" Ros's associate's best argument said.

"But..." Ros still confuses about what she must do now...

But luckily...

"ROS!! HERE I ALREADY BRING YOUR LAPTOP! Your scanner machine and some of our research results!" Luckily, another of Ros's associates is running toward them from the direction of the archelogy room. He runs and happily showed 1 laptop bag and 1 metal briefcase in his right hand, and a backpack on his shoulder.

But, who knows, it will be the last word that he will say...

Suddenly, a very strong force ambush him out of nowhere!

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