Chapter 038

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That old car runs steadily, getting close to the East.

"What must we do? Should we drive slowly? Or just drive fast until the port?" Yue Long asked.

"If we drive slowly, this car sounds is still quite loud. But if we drive fast, maybe it will draw a lot of attention. Wow, this is a hard decision..." Rory said.

"What kind of boat will pick us up at the port?" Gerald asked.

"Most likely it will be a common lifeboat, the rubber boat that exists in many big ships." Yue Long said.

"Rowing boat?" Gerald asked again.

"No, with engine of course." Yue Long explained again.

"If like that, I think we can board that boat fast, just by throwing our body to it and making it run away fast leaving the land."

"I think it will depend, do the infected dare to jump into the sea to capture their prey or not? If their instinct will become like a predator, it reminds me sometimes a tiger recklessly jumps far into the water just to capture their prey. Tigers don't like to swim, right? But they do that as I remember." Qunn said.

"Well, if that is true, it needs to be considered." Yue Long said.

"Hem... What Qunn said maybe is a good consideration," Gerald said and think hard. "What is the record for a human longest jump?"

"As I remember the record is still held by Mike Powell for 8.95 meters in 1991," Qunn said.

"Hem, almost 9 meters... Now the infected running in a different posture, I predict if they jump with different posture the result will be less than the record." Gerald predicted.

"But remember, their muscle is stronger than a normal human on average, they are kind of at the level of a top athlete," Rory said.

"Well, if like that, maybe we can assume their jump will be the same at maximum, 9 meters maybe," Gerald said.

"And the port will be higher than the sea level. So we also need to consider the jump from higher to lower positions. The long jump athlete jumps at the same level of elevation, right?" Yue Long added the info.

"OMG, then we must way further than 9 meters then to be safe from them," Rory said.

"Well, that is scary... but it is still better for us to be prepared for the worst. So just assume that the boat must leave for approximately 10 meters fast for us to be safe." Gerald said.

"And because of that, we must get to that boat ASAP," Gerald said.

"How?" Rory asked.

"Well, maybe my suggestion will be like this, Qunn and Rory will be the ones that jump to the boat first. Hug your equipment tight, don't jump up, but drop your body to the boat, and try to land with your side back. Then Yeum Bi and Ros will follow, they maybe will land on top of you, try to land nicely also, OK? They are women, they won't be that heavy." Gerald said.

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