Chapter 048 - Jumps

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Awaken after a very long sleep, makes him hard to understand the situation around him.

He knows he is no longer like before. Since the incident, hunger and fury have been more controlling his body.

Living like that for many years just made him adapt.

He knows he no longer can think calmly like before, but at least, he can try.

But now, what is this?

All tall rock with thin transparent ice everywhere? He feels like in the forest, but in the forest of very tall rocks. And humans come in and out of that rock, are humans now living inside that weird rock?

He doesn't know what happens, must he be happy or angry? Now he sees many of his kind again, even though they weirdly wearing thin and colorful unrecognized fur.

But he remembered why his kind must vanished one by one, remembering that tragedy made him boil again.

And by remembering that, he remembers again to pursue the scent, the scent that is so important to him.

His kind greets him with growling and snarling, sniffing him just like an animal.

But he knows what must he do, to show them all who is in charge.

By making a deep growl, a loud, and eerie sound, all of the infected are afraid, they notice that now near them, there is the leader, the one in charge, the alpha.

So they all show submissive gestures, letting the alpha do what he wants to do.

Now the alpha just continues to do what he has been doing since the beginning, pursuing the scent.

And that action led him to somewhere near Washington DC.

When he arrived there, he heard a very loud sound that he had never heard before. He is confused what sound is it? Where does it come from?

But that dark night doesn't reduce his vision ability, even though not as good as the nocturnal animal, at least he still can see with the help of natural night light from the moon and stars.

That sound is coming from a very big bird... A stiff bird that never flaps her wings... A weird bird that doesn't have fur on her entire body, but her skin looks hard. What kind of bird is that?

It is an airplane. The same airplane that brought Jeff before. After arriving at Narita International Airport, dropping off all the passengers, and refueling the fuel, that plane flew back to the Japan Secret Shelter near Washington DC for 14 hours. And now already arriving at the Japan Secret Shelter again for the second pick which is likely the last pick up because the passengers that need to be picked up only less than before.

So that night, all the people who left in the shelter became happy because finally, they could go back to their country, which is now free from the pandemic. Including the guard who now already left their guarding post, waiting to board the plane.

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