Chapter 078 - The Identity

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Two helicopters departed from Elad's bunker, which now belongs to Gerald and his friends, Elad has passed away.

A helicopter will pick up Rory and take some of Hank's troops back to the island. Even though the island's current inhabitants are the wives and children of Hank's troops, they can support themselves, but the presence of several men is still necessary.

And another helicopter flew to Africa. There is good news, Ndunga and his squad have managed to get taxidermy from Quagga as directed by Jeff. However, the bad news is that the struggle to get it is not easy. Ndunga and his troops had to sneak into a city that was busy with infected, so many of Ndunga's troops switched roles to become infected.

So it is certain that the helicopter to pick up Rory will carry out its task faster because the distance is relatively close. Meanwhile, helicopters heading to Africa take longer.

But with the modern and up-to-date helicopter that Jacob previously owned, the job became easier. Those in the helicopter also thought, that if such an advanced vehicle was used to save many people, many positive things would be created. So why wasn't this done? It seems like everyone can guess why.

Meanwhile in the bunker itself. The situation is quite unfavorable.

The tenants who were rich people there started to protest. After discovering that Elad and Jacob were gone, they felt unsafe there.

But Gerald and his entire team knew it was just a trick of rich people. Gerald knew that what rich people had in mind was how they could profit from this. Maybe how they can get their wealth back. Or want to get more power.

That's why Gerald had discussed this matter with everyone on his side. If they succeeded in controlling the bunker, it would be straightforward to predict that the tenants there would be dissatisfied and try many things for their benefit. The thing you need to be most wary of is bribery attempts. So Gerald reminded them that if anyone among them was tempted by that, then it was very likely that they would all perish.

They all understand very well that if this time they are not united and are tempted to indulge in selfishness, then their lives are at stake. Because the infected don't care about wealth.

Therefore Hank needs his wife and children. To help mediate between his side and the side of the tenants. Therefore, the helicopter that will pick up Rory will also pick up Hank's wife and child.

Meanwhile, Sayaka is busy with her biology assignment. Sayaka immediately worked very hard doing research. The scientists who previously worked for Elad, now work together to help Sayaka.


A few hours later, Rory arrived with Hank's wife and children.

Rory immediately carried out his duties to fix all the technological affairs there, assisted by Tobb and his hacker technicians from afar. It could be said that the technological damage in the bunker was not light, even if it could be restored, it would not be as perfect as before.

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