Chapter 024 - A phone call was made

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The sun is already peeking on the horizon in the East.

This means the morning has come...

Usually, people still sleep when this happens. Or for now, they may be still awake in tired because the always-hungry new alpha predators are never stopping to hunt as long as it is possible. So afraid and alert make they must still awake, for survival.

But here somewhere in East Africa, precisely in Kolo's hideout, the situation is a little bit different. All the people there already wake up and prepare things... They will go to South Korea by plane.

Gerald, Ros, Rory, Qunn, and Seol Yeum Bi are packing their needs that they going to bring to South Korea. Kolo is refueling his plane with enough QAV* to go to Seoul. (QAV is aviation kerosene or airplane fuel.)

Yeum Bi no longer wears her uniform. She already folds it neatly and packs it in her backpack that she get from Kolo. Meanwhile, her attire right now is borrowed from Ros. Even though she borrows a pair of jeans and a T-shirt from Ros, they are both still reluctant to speak a lot to each other. For Ros, her reason is that she still feels guilty about her actions even though she knew Yeum Bi's fiance just pass away, she feels sorry but she kind of hesitant to apologize directly, maybe because Ros's character is introverted and shy. And Yeum Bi herself, she also reluctant to start a conversation with Ros because she thinks Ros is a very serious person, she just wants to avoid any negative argumentation, and Yeum Bi is also introverted.

So after everything they need is prepared, they just get in Kolo's plane and fly off.

Seoul, South Korea is their destination.

Inside the plane, they are all silent, all with their own busy thinking.

Some maybe think like this: "Is this right? They are present at the beginning of the pandemic at the source place. But now they are in comfort, flying in a plane in a safe condition, sleeping well last night. Is the chaos happening? Well, maybe this is how it feels to be like a bird that migration first to safety before the disaster happens."

After flying for an hour, they start to feel sleepy again, because they must wake earlier in the morning, so now closing their eyes and taking a nap feels great. So they all start to sleep again except Kolo, and maybe Gerald and Yeum Bi.

... they sleep more deeply...

... sleep...



The sound of Fighter Aircraft is heard loudly just passing Kolo's plane in the near distance. There are two of them.

 There are two of them

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