Chapter 38- Karaoke Bar

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*December 8th?*

*dedicated to SimplyClaudia because there is nothing simple about you or your writing(:*

I'm so cold. My wet jeans are quickly freezing to my legs. I pretty sure ice is forming on the tips of my hair. My hands are starting to lose feeling.

"We should all change clothes and call it a night." Liam says, wrapping me up in his arms and holding me close. I was starting to shiver and I could feel Liam shivering against me as well. Our snowman masterpiece had been completed so our mission was over.

"Call it a night?!" Harry loudly declares into Steph's shoulder. "Call it a night?! Are you kidding! It's not even dinner time yet!" I smile into Liam's chest and shake my head.

"I agree with Liam that we should all change," Louis starts, lifting his head up from Eleanor's hair. "Then we can all meet up at our flat and decide what to do next." A few grumbled replies sound throughout the group. Most of them revolved around the words yes. Rue just wanted to watch Peter Pan.

"Dibs on the shower first!" I shout, ripping myself out of Liam's embrace I give him a quick peck on the cheek then start running.

"NO FAIR!" Steph screams after me, quickly extracting herself from Harry's arms as well and running after me. Rue and Meg aren't far behind.

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Meg hollers, her voice echoing towards my ears. That's were she's wrong. I totally can.

"Watch me!" I scream over my shoulder, quickening my pace a little more. My jeans uncomfortably stick to my legs as I run. My socks squeeze out a little bit of water every time my foot slams against the pavement. My arms pump at my sides, pushing me to run faster. How far away is our flat from here?


Way to freaking far. I think I'm dying.

I stumble into the apartment and slip my shoes off. Magically, I don't collapse to the floor. I start dragging my body towards the bathroom at the end of the hall. I wasn't watching where I was going so I tripped on the edge of the carpet. Not bothering to get up, I start crawling towards the bathroom. This carpet looks like it could use some good vacuuming.

I arrive at the bathroom door and notice a sign hanging on it. That wasn't there before, was it? I hesitantly stand up and read the sign. It's a regular sheet of computer paper with four lines on it. It's numbered from one to four, one being on top. On the top line, Meg's name is neatly printed. Beneath her's is Stephanie's then Rue's. On the bottom and finale line my name had been neatly printed. Then I heard it. The sound of running water coming from the other side of the door.

"NOOOOOOOO!" I cried, collapsing to the floor. I ran all the way here only to be outsmarted by them! "WHERE DID MY PLAN FAIL?!" I cry out in agony, clutching my head and trying to regulate my breathing. Rue cautiously steps out of her room and stares at me.

"We took a cab." What?! NO! WHY?! NO! "We'll come get you when it's your turn." Rue says, sympathetically patting my shoulder but not being able to hold back the smirk on her face.

This is cruel..." I quietly whisper. I raise my head from its position leaning against my knees and look at Rue. "I called dibs." I whisper, slowly getting up, I leave by herself in the hallway and I make the long trek to my room.

I open the door and collapse on my bed. Running is hard work as it is and I ran My lungs feel like they're bleeding. Facing the ceiling I close my eyes. I don't close them to sleep, I close them to help me breathe better. Breathe deeper. I wiggle my toes and then my fingers to make sure my nerves still work. Yup. I'm not completely dead yet. I just feel like it. My phone vibrates from my back pocket and causes me to spring up in surprise. Then it turns to horror. What if its dad?! Do I want to know what's wrong? Yes, yes I do.

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