Chapter 3-Swag

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Liams Pov

Her statement baffled us all; most people would have started flirting with Harry in an attempt to keep him all to themselves. It just furthers proves how much of a selfless person she really is.

Her black bag was slung over her shoulder, in an obvious 'I'm leaving' type of motion, thankfully she didn't get to fullfil it, because at the moment Tasha stepped into the hectic backstage area and energetically clapped her hands to gain attention.

"First off, I'd like to thank you all for coming out this morning and trying-out. Second, out of the 100 ladies and gentlmen who are here today, 20 of you have been chosen to dance in One Directions Live Show to debue their new album on November 10th. I have just taped a list on the wall behind me, no pushing, shoving, and please no tears." Tasha then stepped away from the wall and quickly exited with her shoulder length brown hair flying behind her. The guys and I quickly stepped back so as not to be trampled by the sudden stampede of people headed towards the single sheet of paper.

I didn't even notice that I was playing with my phone until Zayn snatched it out of my hands.

"Calm down mate." He patted me on the back and shoved my phone in his back pocket. Louis barely waited 10 seconds before extending his palm and expertly slipping it out of his back pocket. I managed to contain my eye roll, thank god there's a passcode on it. I diverted my attention away from him and instead focused it on the more sane members of the band.

"He's right Liam, she's just a girl...a girl that you met like 2 hours ago." Harry just shrugged his shoulders as he shoved his hands in his pockets. People tended to misunderstand Harry, they see him as this cheeky flirt who plays with girls hearts, but theres so much more to him. Don't get me wrong, he is a very filrty lad but he does have a heart and his intention is never to hurt just ends that way. None the less, the statement was still suprising, even from Harry.

"I guess so..." The lads all gave me pointed looks, all of them except for Lou who was still preoccupied with my phone. "Yeah, your right, she's just a girl." A random girl. That's all, she doesn't mean anything to me. I kept repeating the mantra to myself, it eventually started to work. The only detail I managed to over look was why would they take me here to watch her audition (well that was the general idea but we got a little side tracked on the way) if they thought she was 'just a girl'?

Without us even realizing it we began to drift out of the building. Now how you can 'drift' out of a building that take's a map to navigate, then that's what we did.

Not soon after we had made it outside did the dancers and fighters begin pouring out. Some faces were emotionless, others just reeked of it; tears seemed to be plentiful and there also seemed to be quite a large amount of scowls as well. But every once in a while you saw a face with a silly grin plastered on it. I unconsiously started craning my neck around, looking for her. A large hand came in contact with the back of my head.

"What was that!" I spun around and faced an amused looking Louis. He just held out his palm with my iPhone lying visibly unharmed. I grumbled thanks and shoved it in my jean pocket. Then Louis silently lifted up his finger as a smirk graced his features. I spun around and followed the direction that Lou was pointing. It was her, everybody else had left so it was just us six. I couldn't tell wether she had made it or not by the exspression on her face, she was going all 'poker face' on the world. I didn't even realize I was chasing after her until I heard my feet thudding against the cold gray pavement. So much for the resolution that I didn't like her.

"Wait!" My hand extended and wrapped around her upper arm. She elegantly twirled around and looked like she was going to do some major kung-fu until she saw that it was me...the guy she ran into this morning at the park.

"Hiiiii?" Her gaze traveled down to my fingers, which were still tightly holding her arm. I released them and stepped back a few feet.

"Sorry, I was just wondering if you made it." An excited smile slipped onto her face as she nodded.

"Congrats!" She laughed and mumbled something along the lines of 'I know right'. Then as if she remembered something important, her head snapped up as her eyes met mine.

"I've just realized that I still don't know your name." A small smile was on her lips as she waited for me to answer.

"I'm Liam. And you are....?" I stuck my palm out

"Pleasure to meet you Liam, I'm Mia." She extended her hand as well. I thought we had a moment going until the clock tower tolled ten times. "Oh! I'll be late! Good-Bye, maybe next time I'll meet your friends." She waved and started to hurry away. The only thing that kept playing in my mind was that she said 'next time', that means she wants to see me again....

Mia's Pov

I felt kind of bad that I had to rush off so suddenly, but I had work. Well "work", I honestly love what I do; I teach music lessons. I had barely gone 50ft when of bunch of teenage boys appeared in front of me and started walking really slow.

"Escuse me, could you please walk faster?" The boys lazily turned around to look at me, they looked stoned. Their hats were on side-ways and backwards, their pants were way to low, and their shirts were 2 sizes too big.

"Sorry babe, but you can't rush swag." I rolled my eyes and placed my hand on my hip.

"Oh yeah, like swag's gonna get you a job in 5 years." The sarcasm was obvious in my voice, or at least I thought so...

"Listen babe, we're swag masters, and that's what it takes to be famous rappers..." The boy who looked to be the eldest shrugged his shoulders and walked towards me. His pants falling impossibly lower.

"Look dude, I don't give a crap that you and your homies are 'Swag Masters', what I want..." I paused for a dramatic effect. "Is for you to pull your fucking pants up and walk faster!" They all visibly flinched and moved to the side as I stormed past.

Of course it would be just my luck for the music store to be on the other side of town, and it would also be part of my luck that my shift would start at 10:15. Yet by some miracle, I made it on time, barely. Mitchel was already there with his guitar sitting dutifully on his lap. I flung my stuff in the break room then rushed back out to my awaiting student, making sure to grab my guitar on the way.


I forgot the password to my iPod where the original Chapter 3 was written so I had to rewrite it....

This is the kind of story you get when you write it on a bus, with two of your best friends talking in really weird accents and NOT SHUTTING UP, and listening to 'Stuck Like Glue' so it's on the side...and yeah.....


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