Chapter 19- Guess

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Imagine this; you have a really hot boyfriend that you haven't seen in a week. Your really hot boyfriend is also a member of the biggest boy-band in the world and is constantly surrounded by screaming girls who-ah never mind that part. Anyway, your really hot boyfriend and his best friend bought you and your best friend first class plane tickets to go and visit them in New York for a week. So now, it's 11:30 Friday night, you're on a plane to the U.S, and you're not the slightest bit tired because you're so strung on fear and adrenaline. Got a good picture? Because that's what's happening.

"Quit bouncing, I'm trying to sleep." For the 5th time Stephanie smacked me and tried once again to fall asleep. Waiting till her eyes were closed I stuck out my tongue and then went back to agitatedly examining the seat in front of me. Gripping the arm rests tighter I tried to convince myself to calm down. It wasn't really working. Especially considering the fact that every scenario in the world was zipping thorough my head. How could I have gone bankrupt?! It just didn't make since! I'm very careful with my spending and- "STOP!" Stephanie whisper yelled at me, her head flung up, her honey blonde hair flying everywhere as her nostrils flared as she glared at me. My eyebrows contracted together in confusion as she angrily stared at me.

"Yeah, sure Stephanie. Whatever." I mumble under my breath, not really being in the mood to argue with her about something so frivolous. She let out a loud sigh, allowing her head to fling back and rest against her maroon colored seat she stares at the ceiling. Her head lolls in my direction as she exasperatedly stares at me.

"Alright, what's the issue. You've been on edge for days." Shaking my head I stare at my finger nails.

"It's nothing." I breathe out, turning my head to look out the window.

"It's obviously something, and don't lie to me Mia. I'm not stupid." I shrug my shoulders and then mumble that I'm not lying. My eyes stray to my jeans were I play with a hole in the knee. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Steph's blue eyes narrow. "We're not going through this kiddo. You're going to tell me now or I'll tell Liam that's something's up and have him get it out of you." Panic flashes through me as I whip my head to face her.

"No. Don't do that." I plead, "He can't know." I say shaking my head, begging Steph with my eyes to just drop it. She sends me a quizzical look as I watch the gears in her head spin.

"Are you-" Steph looks around to see if anybody's listening or watching, then she leans in even closer and whispers, "pregnant?" My mouth kind of falls open as I stare at her in disbelief. "OMG! You-"

"NO!" I say, my face forming a disgusted look as I try not to gag. "Oh gosh, no! Do I honestly look fat to you?"

"Well, no but-"

"No buts. That's not it." Turning back away from her I pull my legs onto the seat and sit pretzel style as I look out the window. It wasnt very interesting, it was just black everywhere, occasional clouds floated by that you had to squint at to distinguish. There were even stars far off in the distance, just little globs of sparkling light.

"Won't you just tell me?" Steph softly asks me. Turning my head, I look at her.

"If you guess it, I'll say yes." I say, shrugging my shoulders and continue to look out the window.

"Why? I thought you didn't want to tell me." Looking at her once I again I feel an eyebrow slip up.

"I don't, besides, you're not going to guess it." I respond. My eyes being drawn to my jagged thumbnail.

"Speeding ticket." She throws out, her hands flinging into the air was she says it.

"I get about two of those a month, try again."

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