Chapter 11-Much Prettier

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Mia's Pov.

I shrugged my shoulders and grumbled out ' thanks'. Lou let out a short laugh at my obvious excitement to be wearing a dress. Liam and I were about to leave when a pretty brunette walked up holding a very adorable baby. The baby was squalling and squirming, extending its arms towards Lou. Her attention was momentarily diverted towards the baby as she took it from the young girls hands. She places an exaggerated kiss on the baby's forehead then startes rocking her. Motioning to the girl besides her Lou introduces her.

"I'd like you two to meet Rue, she'll be interning here for the next 6 months. She's from Switzerland and has been attending a school of fashion in Paris." Lou tilted her head towards the girl who was shyly staring at her fingers. Stepping forward I stuck out my hand.

"I'm Mia," We shook, then pointing towards Liam, "and this is my boyfriend,Liam" he extended his hand and also shook hands with her. "It's a pleasure to meet you Rue." A smile formed on her face, immediately lighting up her chocolate brown eyes. Her hair was in a simple braid that hung just past her shoulder blades. She was wearing nude heels and faded skinny jeans, her pink blazer and cream scarf obscured her shirt. It was obvious that this girl had style. I was about to engage in conversation with her when a man (I'm assuming the boys manager) appeared and kindly asked to talk with Liam and I. My body tensed. What was he going to do? Was he going to tell Liam and I that we couldn't date? Liam must have sensed my fear because he quickly squeezed my hand and kissed the side of my head. Clinging tightly to Liam's hand, we followed behind strange manager dude.

"So here's the thing." he had led us to a corner in the far corner of the tent where he had then sat on the floor and asked us to join him. I was sitting in the floor next to Liam and across from the guy. My head was resting on Liam's shoulder and our hands were still intertwined. "It would have been nice if you had told me you two were dating." he sighs. "The fans are going to be so disappointed...and honestly I know nothing about you. For all I know you could be a hooker!"

"Do I look like a hooker?" I ask in a slightly offended turn. He takes a good look at me.

"Not really, but looks can be deceiving." I roll my eyes and scoot even closer to Liam.

"She's not." Liam very helpfully adds in. He sighs and shrugs his shoulders, massaging his face he gives his verdict.

"I'm okay with your relationship, just..." Looking at me Simon sighs again, "Be prepared for the hate." I nod my head and stand up, tugging Liam up with me we walk away, but before we leave the tent I turn my head and mouth 'thank you'.

It was a cold night, a bit later in the month, most of them were now that it was the November, but this night was especially chilly. Liam had his arm wrapped around my shoulder and my left hand was holding his, my right arm was wrapped around his waist and his right hand was holding mine. So even though it was cold outside, wrapped in his embrace I felt unusually warm and content. My head was resting on his shoulder and we were just talking about life.

"Hey look! A Ferris wheel!" I perked up and pointed at the lit up circle. Liam laughed and kissed the side of my head.

"Come on, I'll race you to it!"

"You're on!" I did the whole bring it on motion with my hands.

"Ready. Set-" I took off, "Hey! You can't do that!" I heard his quickly approaching footsteps. I laughed and tried to run faster. I was almost there when a pair of arms picked me up off the ground and twirled me around. A genuine laugh spewed out of my mouth as I grasped Liam's hand. He put me back on the ground and then spun me around to face him. I smiled at him then leaned in.

We probably looked like your stereotypical couple, sitting on one of the swinging Ferris wheel benches. My hands were wrapped around his torso, I was trying really hard not to think about how rock hard it felt. His arm was draped across my shoulder as I rested my head on his chest. We didn't say anything, we just sat and watched the London skyline. The tall buildings rose up to meet the pitch black sky. Little dots of light were spread throughout the skyscrapers, sometimes it was hard to tell the difference between them and the stars.

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