Chapter 25- D-O-G

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We walked in a sullen silence all the way back to our table. Maybe it was due to the whole Harry and Stephanie fiasco. Either way, it was really awkward. Louis and I had a conversation involving only our eyes the whole way back. It mainly consisted of pointed looks towards Steph and Haz.

When we arrived at the booth, everyone was staring at us all. Me and Lou because I was about to kill him 5 minutes ago, and Stephanie and Harry because they were about to kill each other 5 minutes ago as well. No one said anything as we slid back into our seats. Then Lou broke through the silence.

"So what's everyone ordering?" An immediate breath of relief sounded from everyone's lungs. A string of chatter quickly started up, the silent compact already made that everyone would be filled in later. Harry remained quiet, he was the only person who didn't join in the conversation. While Steph seemed to have had a new found resolve, if I knew that girl at all, his blunt turn down was only going to aggravate and motivate her even more. This knowledge had me silently praying that Eric would NOT in fact be our waiter this afternoon.

I spoke too soon.

"Is everyone ready to order?" A silky smooth voice questioned, the same harsh blue eyes focusing on Stephanie. At first her smile flickered, then her eyes saw Harry, and it lit right up. But her eyes, her eyes showed that she was in pain. She wanted so much for him to care. What a naive fool that girl is....I wish I could just sit down and explain to her how much he cares, but it's not my place. Those two are just going to have to grow up and realize it themselves.

"Could I have your smoked salmon, please?" Eleanor politely asked, folding up her menu she handed it to him.

"I'll have the same, please." Danielle chips in, also handing her menu to the guy. Perrie's eyes scan over the menu one last time before she makes her choice.

"Could I have your chicken salad?"

"Make it two." Steph says, cattily smiling at the waiter. A smirk evolves onto his face as his pen makes another note on the slip. Of course I noticed this, but it wasn't really the object of the thought my mind was currently focused on. No, I was still stuck on what these people were eating. My gaze met Niall's from across to table and I saw what must have been the same look on my face, mirrored onto his.

"I'll take a double cheeseburger and a side of fries." His thick Irish accent some making the words hard to understand. My stomach growls in agreement, clutching it tightly I voice that I would like the same. Eric looked at me kind of funny then shrugs his shoulders and jots it down. Zayn, Liam, and Harry order fish, leaving Louis to be the last one to order.

"Do you have roasted dog?" He questions, dead serious. What? Eric must have been thinking the same thing as the rest of us because he kindly asked Louis to repeat himself.

"Roasted dog. D-O-G!" Eric blinks once, twice, three times, then nervously smiles at Louis.

"I'm sorry sir, I don't believe we carry that dish." Louis' mouth slowly falls open. He clears his throat, then stands up and continues.

"You don't have roasted dog?!" He grinds out, his eyes shining in amusement but the rest of his face set in a harsh manner. "HOW-" Eleanor yanked him down and slapped her hand over his mouth.

"Excuse him, he'll have a hamburger." Louis started screaming from behind her hand. Eleanor gaze him a stern glare and then pressed her hand harder over his mouth. His mouth opened slightly then closed. A small yelp left Eleanor's lips as she clutched her hand in agony and sent Louis multiple death glares.

"I do not want a hamburger, I do not like cows." He states, remaining completely serious.

"Uh...would you like fish then, sir?" Eric was getting very uncomfortable and it was actually pretty hilarious. His weight was shifting from foot to foot as his gaze flitted all over the room.

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