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In Karan Class~

K: So students 'Good Afternoon' to all

Student 1: How many times you will say
*Karan don't reply to them*

K: So students take out your book and open the Chapter 4. We will start from there *soft voice because today is the first day so he don't want to show his real side*

Student 2: Sir you don't know how to count. If not then come to my house I'll teach you *everyone laughed*

K: So you know counting huh? Then come out from your place.

That boy come out from place and stand infront of Karan.

K: So you know counting means you can count anything?

Student 2: Yes I can count anything.

K: So count each and every part of your body hair. Let me see how much you are good in counting. I want to lear-*cut by student 2*

Student 2: What the fuck!! Mr. Kundrra. you don't have brain. how any person can count their body hair.

K: You have say you can count anything but why you didn't count your body hair huh. If you can't then 'GET OUT' from my class.

Student 2: You're saying me to 'GET OUT' you 'GET OUT BLOODY'. I'm not goin-

He can't say any further word because Karan slap him very hard and he fall down and hit by the first bench. His head & nose start bleeding and Karan's long 5 fingers mark printed on that stupid boy right cheek.

K: You don't have manners how to speak with teachers.*angry+loud tone*

Karan look at the class all students are silent and say-

K: I want to be nice with you because I don't want to show you my real side but you students are stubborn. So I have to teach you the lesson. Don't dare to talk back with any teachers or disrespect any teachers. if I get to know then you'll see my that side which you have not seen yet. You all don't know what I'll do with you all. *cold tone*

All students nodded there head. Karan bent down to that boy and press his bloodly head which was paining alot. That boy scream in pain. Karan smile and say-

K: From now on don't talk back with me or any other teachers.

Student 2: *just nod his head "YES"*

K: Good. Now go to your place and *look at the class & say* no-one going to help him.

K: So students, I hope you all open the chapter. I don't want to repeat again. *Cold voice*

Karan start his class and no-one talking to eachother. full focus on Karan's each & every word and his explanation.

Meanwhile Tejasswi~

Tejasswi class also finished and they went to cafeteria for having lunch. Like this time passes.

At the end of school~

N: Babygirl are you coming for shopping with me.

T: Yaa

N: Ok. Be ready at 7 o'clock I'll pick you *with smile*

T: Ok *smile back*

Tejasswi went home and take a bath.

Time skip at 7 o'clock~

On call :

N: Teju where is your house? You have or not.

T: Just shut up. come at ### place.

N: Ok. I'll be their at 10 minutes.

Call end~

Nishant finally reached Tejasswi house. Then both went for shopping. They both reached the shop. And started choosing the best earing of the shop.

Meanwhile Rajiv~

R: Such a tired day.

Rajiv is sitting on the cafe for having a nice coffee. Waiter has come with a cup of coffee and placed infront of him. He take one sip and look at waiter say- "Nice coffee". Rajiv slowly slowly drinking coffee and look outside his eyes become wide and threw coffee from the mouth.

R: WHAT TEJASSWI at this hour *he look at watch. It is showing 8:45 pm* and wait who is that boy with her *he look in the mirror to see the face and say-* "NISHANT"

R: What the fuck!! If Karan see Tejasswi with Nishant. He will be really angry. what I'll do now. Wait. Karan is not here and he say me to take care of his wife in his absence and inform him each and every detail of her. Should I tell him or not. It's better to click pics and send him rather than talk.

Rajiv quickly pay the money and went towards the shop.

I want to say you something before you say about Karan slap the boy and he starts bleeding. It was physically action. And the boy should complaint against Karan. But this is a ff and principal call karan to teach student their lesson because in past they torture teachers. Karan is cold so only he can teach them and principal allow this for students good.

Karan did wrong thing. he shouldn't take the physical action but there students deserve that because we are not allow to beat teachers. we should respect them. I don't want to say further words. Please take it as a fan fiction.

Karan will be able to teach a lessons What will Rajiv do With Tejasswi now? To know more please vote and comment💌
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