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Another side Karan pov~

I'm working alot today because I don't want to stay here anymore I have to complete this papers and finally I have completed all the papers. I went to principal house to give the papers.

Principal house :

K: sir papers are all done.

P: Very good.

K: So take this papers *giving papers to principal*

P: Now only.

K: Yes because I'm going back to my house. I don't want to stay here anymore. I'm missing my wife alot because and I want to suprise her. Today is something special going to happen.

P: Oo that's good.

K: BYE sir.

P: Bye Karan. I am happy you come here and teach our students lesson. And make them good human.

Karan left the principal house and make his car direction towards his house. He left at 7:30pm so he can reached his house at 9:45 pm.

N/T in party~

Tejasswi enjoying alot at party. Nishant already cut the cake. In the party Tejasswi find many different people.

Other side Karan reached his house. The door was closed. he open the door with the key because he already have spare key. He enter the house and see the lights are off. He switch on the lights and call Tejasswi.

K: Tejasswi? Teju? Tejasswi? *he went upstairs* Tejasswi are you still angry with me. Teju? *he opened Tejasswi bedroom door but didn't find her* Where she has gone?

He searched Tejasswi everywhere then he remembered that he put the CCTV camera in the house. he quickly open his laptop and open today's recording and see something which make him angry.

K: That bastard Nishant in my house. what he is giving a box. he left. *then he see evening recording*. he again come and wait what Tejasswi is wearing a revealing dress and what she is giving him. WHAT!! she taking him to her bedroom. *now he open the Tejasswi bedroom recording* WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS !! My Teju is too close to that fucker. his hand on my baby wrist. ENOUGH NOW.

Karan call tejasswi but she do not receiving the call. Karan track her location and find that she is in the bar.

K: Baby you're in bar. Just enjoy the few minutes because today is your punishment day and I'll punished you very hard. No one save you today from me. I'll teach how to respect your sweet husband. Be ready my little wife *smirk*

He left the house in anger~

In the bar Tejasswi pov:

I'm really enjoying the party. But I'm thinking about my baby.

T: Once you come. I'll punished you. you have seen my cute and crazy side only not the "MOMMY" side. "MOMMY WILL PUNISHED YOU VERY HARD *smrik*

N: Whom you'll show your "MOMMY" side babygirl?

T: One and only my "Love", my ice cube cold husband.

N: Ok but will you dance with me. Please.

T: Of course. It's your birthday. I'll dance with my best friend forever. I don't want to make you cry. What will your girlfriend think about you.

Nishant and Tejasswi both went towards dance floor and starts dancing. Nishant making his girlfriend jealous of Tejasswi. They are laughing loudly.

Karan reached the bar~

Karan pov :
I reached the bar and my eyes caught Nishant and my baby dancing with eachother. They are so close to eachother. They are laughing very loudly. I don't waste anytime and went towards dance floor and pull my baby to my arms.

K: How dare you to disobey me? *asking to Tejasswi*

Tejasswi going to say something but Karan cut her and say-
K: And you boy how dare to touch my 'Wife' who is given you the permission to touch my 'Wife' huh?

N: She is my childhood bestfriend. I have a full right to touch her she did not feel uncomfortable with my touch then how could you say like that.

K: Because I'm her 'HUSBAND' you bloody.

K: So called husband who don't care of his wife. And having fun with other girls. c- *cut off because Karan slap him very hard and punch on nose*

Karan punch Nishant very hard. Nishant fell down on the floor and Karan starts beating him.

Tejasswi try to stop him but he didn't then. Tejasswi pull Karan towards her but she was too small to make him move. Tejasswi was angry on Karan. She come and pull Karan collor and kissed him very passionately. She put her hands on Karan's shoulder and make the kiss deep. Karan don't waste anytime to kiss back. He pull Tejasswi closer to himself. He put his hand on Tejasswi ass and squeeze it. Tejasswi moan and Karan enter his tonge in her mouth. After kissing for 10 min Tejasswi break the kiss. But Karan again kiss her.

Nishant laying on the floor. He smiled seeing the view. every people just watching both but not said a single word.

N: Guys go in bedroom and do rest things, not here. God knows if you starts here only We don't want to see your live sex. *Nishant laughing but not other people*

They quickly separate eachother lips. And Tejaaswi look at Nishant, he was laughing.

T: Nishant what nonsense you're talking.

Nishant going to say something but Karan cut him off and say-

K: Tejasswi let's go home it's already night and you bloody just stay away from my wife.

N: In your dreams only *laughing*

Karan again going to beat Nishant but Tejasswi stop him by holding hand.

T: Let's go home please *puppy eyes*

They both left the bar and go to home.

N: What you all seeing my face help me to getting up? *cold tone*

???: Yes Boss.

They help him to getting up then someone come.

Nishant chapter is close in this part and in next I'll reveal secret. But may show Nishant in some part but not close to Teju. Because I can't make story all about both of them only. I thought jealousy plot and now i dont have time to change that. Please understand me also I'll not separate Tejran I hope you like this one:)

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