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I am sorry for not coming this long. I was busy with my life as I said earlier I am still stuck but in something are better now. Thank you for your patience. I am not sure when will I give the next part. Sorry again but I promise I will complete this story. Thank you so much for your kind words and who pray for me. I hope you like this part.



After talking with Mr. Varma Karan call someone else also.

K: Hello

Someone: Hello Mr. Lion. Hahahaha what happen today. You call me. Did you take wrong medicine hahhaha

K: Shut up idiot

Someone: You call me to say this. Okay Mr. Lion bye. It is late in night. You disturb my sleep. I want to sleep not want to listen your roar.

K: wait Nishant

N: tell mr. Lion. What happen

K: Don't call me Mr. Lion again and again.

N: you call me to say this? Now I am 100% sure you take wrong medicine hahhaha.

K: Nishant this is not time to joke. I call you because I need your help *serious tone*

N: You need my help? How is it possible?

K: Please shut your mouth for few minute and listen carefully. I need you to find out something before our college start.

N: okay but how it happen this soon. I am not police. I want some time. Give me 2-3 day then I will able to find.

K: It is about my Teju. I can't wait for long time. And don't lie I know you are in mafia. Use your power and find.

N: Teju? Please tell everything clearly.

Karan tell him what happen in college today. He was sounding very angry.
K: Now find out soon how they know about about this. And who is that worker.

N: don't worry I will find out before morning.

K: well I know you are an idiot but thank you so much for help

N: Mr. Lion don't say thank you. Only angry face and roaring suit you hahahaha. And Teju is my best friend and sister. I will not leave them. *both cut call*

Next Day~
Karan and Tejasswi both wake up and eat their breakfast. Now it is time for go to college.
K: laddo let's go. We are getting late

T: we always go early to college. And today I don't feel like going their.

K: no teju we have to go.

T: okay you go. I am going to room. I am sleepy. Bye

K: Baby I know why are you not coming.

T: then why are you forcing me to come with you. I don't want to listen those words. You know how bad I am feeling *crying voice* my heart is paining thinking all that.

K: Don't cry my sweet little love *wipe her tears* now it is their time to cry. Yesterday night you only tell me to kick their ass and now again talking like weak person. My laddoo baby is very strong.

T: Am I strong sunny *cute baby voice*

K: yes my baby is very strong. Now come. It's show time baby. Show the world who is Tejasswi Karan Kundrra 😎😎

After 30minutes they reach college.
K: You go in class baby. Soon I will come.

T: no no sunny. Take me with you. I don't want to go. Please please🥺🥺

K:*cupping her face* you forgot what I say you earlier? You are my strong baby right? *Teju noded her head cutely* Then go to your class like sassy queen and show everyone who you are. *kiss her pout*

Both Teju and Karan went to there class and office. Karan calls someone.
K: Work is done?

Mr. V: Yes sir

K: Okay come in auditorium room in 10 min*he also message Nishaant to come*

Same time in class when Tejasswi enter. Same boys and girls are shouting.
B1: Look who is here?

B2: umm... I know who she is

G1: boys not make suspence. Say clearly slut is here.

G2: yes. Bitch take Karan Sir dick daily to impress him

T: *Teju feel like crying but stiil reply without sassy atitude* Yes I take Karan Sir dick in my hole daily. Bitch you can't think about touching and taking his single hair. Now move I have to study 😪

Tejasswi was going to sit but an announcement voice come.
K: Hello my dear lovely students. Please come to auditorium room fastly.

All student's got sacred because they know how our ice cold profesar is. Soon they all come in auditorium room.
K: Good morning my dear students. In last 2days many thing happend in this college which is not right. It is very sad to know how students behave like this. So I am here to take some action but before that I want to show you something. Mr. Varma. *Mr. Varma come and give him some paper*

K: Please connect my laptop to screen. I want to show you something. And Tejasswi please come to stage. *teju noded in no* I said come on stage*he shouts*

Tejasswi go to stage with slow steps and crying face. And those girls and boys having smriking face. Same time, Someone connect his laptop and Karan show something.

Everyone become shock.

Why everyone is in shock. What Karan show in his laptop. What will happen with those boys and girls? To know more please vote and comment 💌
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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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