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Joya, Aada, Akasa and Rashmi go to washroom first and search her but she is not there. Then they find all place in college but she was nowhere. Now they also getting worried for her. They went near Karan and say-

A: sir we can't find her

J: we look at all place but she is nowhere

K: what? Where she went? You ask students?

Girls: no sir.

R: let's go and ask everyone.

J: sir why we waste time on asking. We have CCTV in college. Let' see that.

K: no. It will take 1-2hours to get the recording. We don't have too much time. What if my laddoo is suffering. If something bad happen to her.

Aada: sir she will be fine. Don't worry

K: I will go and announce emergency

Karan went to principle room and on the mic which is connected to speakar in every classroom.
K: Hello students please all come outside the class. We have emergency *scared voice*

All student come out and gather in Hall. All was talking what happen suddenly. There is so much noise. Karan was worried for his laddoo. He get angry and shout loudly. Everyone get scared of him

K: Stopppppppp. I call you here for something important not for talking.

B: what happen sir. You are looking worried.

K: I call you all here because I want to ask you all something. One student is missing from college. She come college in morning but now not in school.

G: sir maybe she run from school sir. Don't worry. Give punishment to her tomorrow.

K: shut your useless mouth. I ask gaurd he did not see her going out. It is serious matter. Please tell if you see Tejasswi anywhere? She is missing *creaking voice*

All went silent. No one say anything.

Aada: please tell we find her but she is missing. Please help us

J: yes please tell if you know anything. What if something bad happen to her

K: Joya please🙏 nothing happen to her. Aada also said nothing will happen to her. I will not let happen her anything. Anyone see her?

All student: no sir

K: okay. I will call police then no one see her now police will find her and any student found suspicious then I will not leave him. *he take his phone to call but one boy stop him*

B: sir umm Tejasswi

K: what say you see her *Karan ask with so much hope in his eyes*

B: umm yes sir I see her she is running and crying when I out of washroom. She was going to washroom but worker stop her and tell You are calling her near store room for urgent work.
[Boys and girls washroom are near as we have in our schools or college]

K: what why you did not tell me earlier?

B: I was scared of your angey voice when you say to call police I though you will punish me because I last see her. So I gain confidence and saying now. Sir belive me I did not do anything with her.

K: okay we will see this later. Lets go to storeroom. And All student go to classroom.

They run to storeroom. They see room was not locked. They went inside and get shocked.

Tejasswi was laying on floor unconscious. Her face has so many marks as someone slap her very hardly. Her hands are above her head. Her hands and legs both are tie with rope. Her shirt botton are open. This scene make Karan shock.

K: Laddoo baby.

Karan run to her. He first open her hands and legs. Then he make her sleep on his lap. He was caressing her cheeks and hair softly and crying.

K: Laddo wake up please. Look I am here. Your sunny. Please baby open your eyes. Who did this to you. Tell me baby.

J: brother we have to take her hospital.

K: No I call doctor here. *He call doctor*

Karan pick her in his arms and run to principle office. He make her sleep on couch. He close her shirt botton then clean her face and give kiss on forehead.

K: baby please wake up. I can't see you like this. Where is my laddo who can't stop talking and troubling me. Wake up naah

After few minute Doctor come. He check her.
K: Doctor what happen. Why she is not opening eyes.

D: Sir she is unconscious because she smell chloroform. And looking at her face she is stress and crying. Maybe someone did purposely. I have check her. She will wake up in 2-3 hours. Make her eat something.

K: Thank you doctor *doctor leave*

K: I am here for Tejasswi. You all go and attend the class. You all miss so much.

Girls: No sir we are okay

K: no I am saying go. I want to be with my laddo. If anything important happen. I will call you. And please don't tell anyone anything.

G: okay sir *they also left*

Karan was looking at his laddo and crying. He wipe his tears and call someone.
K: Hey I want CCTV recording from today lunchtime of all place in school. One don't take more then one hour or you will loose your job.

What happen to Tejasswi. Why she is in this state? To know more please vote and comment💌

Thank you for showing intrest in last part. I hope this one is not boring🌚
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