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They both come home. Karan give begs to maid and say her to put in room safely. Maid put begs in their room and give them juice to drink. After drinking juice they left to their room. They both got freshened and change into casual dresses and lay on bed peacefully, ready to take afternoon sleep. Suddenly Karan speak.

K: laddoo

T: yes sunny

K: you know my tongue is still burning.

T: still? *worried*

K: yes.

T: wait a minute.

Tejasswi was about to go when Karan pull her on him. Now she was on top of his chest and staring at him innocently.

K: where do you think you are going baby

T: I'm going to give you chocolate. So your tongue won't feel spice.

T: but laddoo I don't need chocolate.

T: then? Tell me I will give you that thing

K: Laddoo. I want laddoo

T: what? But we don't have laddo in home wait I will order online

K: No we have at home *eyeing her*

T: where? I also want to eat laddos. Uff it's been so long I eat laddo.

K: what will I do with this child God. We have laddo at home baby. You are laddoo. You forget. Always excited to eat huh. A sweet kiss from my laddoo and I'm okay.

Tejasswi face was looking like a tomato. Karan chuckle to see her.

T: you're pulling a prank on me.

K: no. I really need something sweet baby

K: I won't let you go. come on. I'm waiting
*She again tried to get up from him but he hold her hand*

Karan close his eyes to feel her soft lips on his. Tejasswi quickly peck his lips and move a little from his face.

K: I said a kiss. A proper one with lips and tongue not a Peck.

T: I can't. I am tired

K: but I can. I will get whatever I want *smirk*

Karan change their position. Now he is on top of her and she laying under him. he started to move his tongue on her lips making them wet with his saliva. Tejasswi's breath started to become abnormal. Karan then slowly take her upper lip between his lips. He start sucking and licking it. Tejasswi's hand move to Karan's hair. She is playing with it.

Karan then shove his tongue inside her mouth. He is exploring every corner of her mouth with his tongue. After some time they play with their tongue. It is a deep passionate kiss. finally they both parted away. he engulfed her in his embrace

K: I love your taste sweetie.

T: don't say please *blushing*

K: and I love you more *chuckle* but I think you don't love me *fake sad pout*

T: No no. I do *whined like a baby*

K: then prove it *smirk*

T: how?

K: like last night *laugh louldy*

T: you shameless *throw pillow on his face*

At night~

K: Laddoo you take gifts na?

T: yes sunny I said driver to put in back of car.

K: okay. Now lets go baby *He said driver to leave*

T: why you always give leave to driver.

K: because I want to spent alone time with you. Now can we go.

T: yes yes let's go. Why are so talking too much *giggles*

They reach Karan's parents home. Mrs and Mr Kundrra greeted them with hug. They all were sitting in living room talking with each other.

KM: I'm really happy to see you both here.

Sm: Yes yes you are only happy to see them. What we are to you huh?

KD: Don't do drama TD. You live in neighborhood. We meet daily.

TM: leave him brother. You know na he is such a drama queen like our daughter.

T: Mamma I don't do drama *making cute pout*

K: only I know how much drama you do *kiss on pout*

T: shameless. I am not talking to you.

KM: Okay okay now enough.

Tejasswi and Karan hug TM and TD. They talk for some time.

K: actually mom laddoo brought gifts for you all

KD& KM: aww my daughter is so caring. *Tejasswi smiled softly*

KM: thanks teju *She give one hand bag to KM*

T: dad that's yours *She give one bag to KD*

KD: so sweet of you teju

TM&TD: *sadly* nothing for us

T: look who is doing drama now *give gifts to TM & TD*

K: Open the gifts. Laddoo buy this with so much love.

All open the gifts. They all like her gifts and hug her.

T: Mamma I am hungry. Please lets eat na

KD: yes I am also hungry.

They all went to dining table. Every dish is Karan and Tejasswi's favorite. They were talking with each other and eating. They hear a voice

Sm: aunty, uncle Karan how are you *shouts happily* ohh teju is also here

As they see towards the source of voice. they saw a young couple along with a beautiful little kid.

I am sorry for late update. Please vote and comment for next part💌

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