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They connect their lips and cum togather. Karan cum inside Tejasswi and she also cum on Karan dick because they did not use condom.

K: I love it*peck her lips* ready for round 2 baby.

Karan started moving and fuck her. Tejasswi was moaning mess but she too riding like a cowgirl. Bouncing and jumping on his dick. Like this Tejasswi ride him for 5 rounds. Both having good time feeling pleasure.

Tejasswi look at Karan. He was not satisfied he want more. So Tejaaswi say-
T: I know you are not satisfied. Me cheez hi aesi hoon*wink* don't think about me. I also want you. You can do whatever you want with me.

As soon as Tejasswi say this Karan switch the position. Now she is under him and he is top of her.

K: Now 'MOMMY' is tired after long 3 hours riding "DADDY'S" dick. Now "DADDY" time to pleasure his 'Babygirl. just obey me kitten *smirk*

T: Yes "Daddy" *smirk back*

She don't feel tired to ride his dick. She was loving it. She always dream about this. She just want this moment never end. She have already done 5 rounds so it's better to give him a chance.

K: How many round you want "Babygirl" you have already done 5 rounds. your leg will not hurt *worried voice*

T: No. my legs will not hurt I already tell you sometime ago. My mom always give protein foods and say it will make my body strong and healthy. Yes, it will pain a little but don't worry about me "I'm the strong woman"

K: You're a "strong woman" then I'm also a "strong man". You are my sherni but I am also sher. I can make you scream whole night.

He come close to her lips and kissed her. While kissing he opened the left side table and take out handcuffs. Karan handcuffed her hands above the head. He go close to her neck and giving wet kisses. Slowly he started biting her neck giving hickeys.

T: ughh ahh mm ummm *moaning alot*

He go down towards her boobs and put his hand covering it. He put his head on her cleavage amd kissing there. Karan squeezed Tejasswi boobs very badly. It turn red in color.

K: Babygirl your boobs are soft I want them in my mouth fuck this made me crazy.

He kiss all over her boobs and put one nipple in mouth. And played with other touching and rubbing that.

T: aahhh Karan you make me more wet. Fuck you do ahhh good work with your tongue. Ahhh ummm yes bite more ahhh

Karan was sucking like a baby but with passion like his life depend on it. He put second nipple in mouth. He took nipple in teeth and pull it then bite it.

T: ahhhh baby bite more. Take them they are umm yours *lift upper part to give full access*

K: *looking with puppy eyes and sucking* I want milk umm mmm. I want to drink mm mmm umm your milk. Please baby mm mmm Please umm

T: I will take medicine then you can drink daily ahhh don't bite umm tomorrow promise ahh I'll give umm you milk.

He suck boobs for 45 minutes then go to her belly put his tongue navel and play with it. He bite on her belly and make purple marks over there.

Finally Karan reached Tejasswi pussy after giving lots of kisses on her body. It was filled with her and his cum so he take out tissue paper from right side table and clean her pussy. After cleaning he throw the tissue paper in the floor.

Now he come close to her pussy. First he put his nose on it and rub it with his nose. Then he took long breath and smell her  pussy.

K: Babygirl your pussy smells too good *softly kiss on pussy*

He starts licking hee pussy and put his tongue inside her pussy hole. Tejasswi scream so loud no means moan so loud. Karan smirked and bite it harshly.

He suddenly stand up from the bed and left the bedroom. Tejasswi look at him and going to say something but he left the room. After minutes he come with a chocolate flavour icecream box.

He come close to her and sit on the bed and say-
K: "Spread your legs babygirl"

Tejasswi spread her legs more wide. Karan take out some icecream and put it on her pussy. He put some icecream on waist, breast and lips.

First he went between her legs and start to eat pussy icecream first. He was giving long licks.

T: ahh ahh fuck fuck lick it ahh ahhh ahhhh *moaning uncountable*

Tejasswi cum and he clean mix of icecream and her cum

K: Ahh babygirl this was heaven. I love this mix juice.

He slowly slowly go upwards and lick her waist. Then go to boobs and took nipples he bites her nipple which make her moan. After that he went towards her lip and starts sucking and eat the icecream too.

While eating lip icecream. He put his thick dick inside her Pussy hole and starts thrusting. "Ahh..ahh.." She is moaning in his mouth. She is feeling too good. He increase his spreed after adjusting the size.

Karan thrusting her very hard and rough too. He was hitting her g-spot. Tejasswi feel that she is going to cum. before she could say, she 'CUM'.

"Ahhh fuckkkkkkkk harder daddy harder" She still moaning like mess. Karan squeezes her ass and sucking her boobs. He smirked when she cum. In few second she feel hot liquid. She  understand Karan cum inside her.

Like this Karan complete 3 rounds so he think to open Tejasswi handcuffs.

T: I want more 'Rounds' DADDY *pout*

K: Baby you don't tired *shocked voice*

T: I think Daddy is tired. I should call Nishaant *seducing voice to tease him*

K: How dare you to speak Nishaant's name? You want more round then it's ok. I don't have problem. I think for your leg but you don't care of your leg then why should I care *smirk*

1032 words. Long part but so much left to write. Please tell me you like this mature part or not. So I'll write next soon. Please vote and comment in large number😁💌

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