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All get up and went towards them happily for greeting them.

KM: Oh my lovely son and daughter how are you both.

Sm: I'm completely fine and handsome.

KM: you never gonna change prince. come let's have family time together.

KD: Always flirting with my wife huh. Yuvi how are you?

Y: I'm completely fine uncle

TD: when you guys came to Australia

P: uncle we are here for vacations so we decided to visit you. I here about Karan and Teju's marriage. btw congratulations teju. You finally marry with love of your life and melt this cold heart person.

T: good to see you brother.

P: Me too

K: btw thanks prince btw I am also here. You are my friend you forget.

P: yes yes I am but she is my sister first

[Prince is Karan's friend and cousin brothers of Tejasswi. He also live near their house in childhood but shifted to Australia for study and work]

Back to story~

Y: Teju you look so happy look how you are glowing in love. *Tejasswi blushed to hear her words*

P: you also got a handsome husband wifey.

They all started to laugh at Prince complemented himself. Tejasswi was looking the baby who was playing in his mother's lap.

T: bhabhi can I pick him.

Y: sure baby why not.

Tejasswi take the baby in her hands and started playing with him.

T: what's his name? And why you didn't say you have a kid.

P: we did not tell because we want to surprise you all. And we did not give him name. He is four month old.

K: why? You make a baby and can not give him name useless

Y: *laughingly* no no we can give but I want teju to give him name as she is prince sister.

P: yes baby do the honor.

T: Raghav? Is it okay?

All: yes it is very good name.

K: but I don't have any sister. Who will give name to our baby?

T: *hit him on hand* sunny we don't have baby. Don't think much. We have time

K: What time I can make baby right now. Don't doubt on my skills.

T: Sunny stop All people are here *blush and again started playing with baby*

T: baby you're so cute. Aww look at me cutie pie. I am your aunty. *baby started to move in her lap happily*

Y: look teju really like kids. We don't know this

KM: yes she likes kids Karan *she said teasingly*

K: I just get to know it now *a smile come on his lips looking at his baby*

P: Karan I think you should have your own baby now. Look teju seems happy with kids *whispering in his ears*

K: *shyly* I will talk to her

TD: come on kids let's have dinner

They all went towards dinning room for having dinner except Tejasswi.

TD: Karan where is Teju?

KD: I think she's still with baby. Karan go and check.

Karan went towards living room and saw her still playing and giggling with baby. He also sit besides her on couch.

K: I didn't know that you love kids too much.

T: yes. look at him he's so tiny and cute.

Karan nodded his head. After some time maid came and took baby and say them to have food

Karan and Tejasswi go towards dinning table. They all were eating. Km speaks-
KM: kids what about you guys stay here tonight. it's been long since we last spent time together.

P: aunty we don't have any issue.

T: yes mom we will stay here *happily*

Karan smile to see his wife being happy with his family. He know they love her from childhood.

P: let's watch movie tonight same we use to watch in childhood.

K: okay but which movie?

T: you are asking as you are coming. You don't like all this na. You always went to sleep in room or sleep in between movie.

K: baby I am change now. You change me. Now lets go.

T: wait I will order popcorn and some snacks.

They all went to 5th floor where is theatre for watching movies. A big screen in front and lots of couch in front of screen and on sode 2 beds for relaxing. KM and TM discussing which movie they want to watch. Tejasswi and Yuvika come with snacks.

TD: both girls come. Ask them thay will suggest better.

T: we will watch Adiya Roy Kapoor movie. I love him *jumping like kid*

K: Noo we will watch some other actor movie.

All laughing on his possessiveness.

T: Sunny I love you the most. Please let us watch ARK. Please please

K: okay *making sad face*

Y: let's play YJHD. We can enjoy both Ranbir and ARK

They sit on couch and play YJHD. KD-KM and TD-TM is sitting in front and kinds are sitting behind.

Raghav started crying so Yuvi make him sleep on bed. Now Prince and Tejran is sitting on couch.

K: baby are you feeling cold because of ac. Come sit on my lap.

Karan make Tejasswi sit on his lap and cover both of them with blanket. All of them movie with concentration. But Karan have come different plans.

K: You love ARK na baby. Now watch *smirk*

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