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Another side~

Karan pov:

I was talking with my Teju. when I say I missed everyone except her for teasing her. I know she become angry from my word but I have to do. I have to continue this cold behaviour with Teju because I'm going to suprise her. I open CCTV and watch my baby. She was crying badly.

K:*looking at CCTV on laptop* I am sorry baby for make you cry. Please don't cry. I became sad if you cry. I am coming to surprise you then you will never be sad. We will live happy life. I'll give you all my love. *He also started crying and sleep*

2 days passed~

Tejasswi was very angry because of Karan. She told this to Nishant

Saturday morning~

Tejasswi was sitting on sofa reading books. Then suddenly someone ringing the doorbell. she opened the door and it is revealing Nishant with smile.

T: Nishu. You now here?

N: Yes.

T: come inside.

Nishant enter Tejasswi house and sit on the sofa.

T: You sit I'm bringing a glass of water.

N: I don't need water. I have come here to tell you something.

T: ok. Tell. *Tejasswi sit beside Nishant*

T: What's the matter?

N: *gives Tejasswi a box*

T: What is this?

Tejasswi open the box and it was a beautiful black colour dress.

T: Wow. Very pretty.

N: beautiful dress na? It is for tonight party.

T: party?

N: you forgot my birthday *sad face*

T: Sorry sorry Nishu BTW Happy Birthday

N : I'll not accept your wish. How could you forgot my birthday.*angry*

T: Nishu my mind is not on the same place. I'm thinking many things. Sor-*cut by Nishant*

N : Just shut up Teju. you always think about Karan. who doesn't care about you.
Say when he call you or message you in 1 month? I was here to make you happy. Why he not call you? Say?

T: .....

N: your silence say everything. don't worry he will come soon. Then you see his beautifu- no no handsome face every day and night. Now go and try this dress is fitted on you perfectly or not. If not then we'll go to mall and buy another one. Te-*cut off by phone*

N: Excuse me Teju*go outside of the house for talking*

After few minutes~

N: I have to go now. Be ready at 7 pm. I'll come to and pick you Bye.

Nishant left the Tejasswi house. Tejasswi go and make her lunch. after that she went towards her bedroom for sleep few hours

Meanwhile Karan~

Karan pov :

I think today's evening. I can go back to my house and my love. My work is almost done. Then I'll suprise My Teju Baby.

Karan live in abc university for 1 month. the students of that university become good, respect every teachers and elder one's too. Every students scared of Karan very much. they never thoughts that they will change oneday. principal is very happy to see the changes of students behaviour. In 1 month Esha try to talk with Karan. But he talk with her as professor. She try to flirt and seduce Karan. One day Karan say her angrily be in her limit. And He is married and love his wife so stay away from him. Then Esha never talk to Karan. Karan work very hard to make children better there. Now he is done with class and also make test paper. He is very happy. Finally his work here is done and he is going home.

Tejasswi pov:

I'm getting ready now. The dress was really pretty and also fitted on me very perfectly. I text Nishant that the dress is perfectly fit on me. After that I went to mall to buy a beautiful gift for my lovely bestest friend forever and only make me smile in this fucking one month.

Tejasswi buy a black colour dress because whenever Nishant wear black dress he looks hot,sexy and lovely too.

Time skip to 7 pm~

T: Where is Nishant? Till now he didn't come to pic me up?

After 30 minutes later Nishant finally arrived.

N: babygirl let's go.

T: No. I'm not going.

N: Why?

Tejasswi drag Nishant to her bedroom. give him a box and say to open it. He open the box and find a beautiful black colour suit.

T: Now wear this. BTW this your birthday gift *cute voice* Now don't waste any time. Get ready. I'm waiting in living room.

Tejasswi going to leave her bedroom. Nishant pull her towards him and say-

N : Thank you Teju. This is really a nice dress. I'm so lucky that I got friend like you *with smile*

T: I'm lucky too that I'm having friend like you who make me smile in this fucking one month. Thank you so much.

N: don't say thank you. I'm your friend not enemy. you're sad so bestfriend don't have any responsibility to make her bestfriend happy? Tell?

T: Enough now. go get ready fast we're already late *left the bedroom*

After few minutes later~

Nishant comes out from of bedroom. He looks so handsome.

T: Looking handsome *smirk*

N : I know. Let's go otherwise we'll be late *both left*

In next part you will see Karan and Tejasswi reunion. Sorry for disappointing you but don't worry I'll end this story in 1-2 part. Thank you for giving love to my first story 💌🥺
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