Chapter Two

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I wake up sitting up looking around to see the clock on the wall to see I woke up early way to early.

I groan laying down to go back to bed pulling the blanket back over me.

"Are you awake"

"No I sat up for fun"I say turning over to face Missy who's laying in her bed.

She laughs sitting up asking if I wanna go do something fun.

"No it's way to early"I say turning back over

I hear footsteps walking up to my bed I look up to see her standing over me

"Please Y/n"

"What is it"

"It's just outside it's pretty when it's dark out"

I sigh sitting up makeing my way out of bed stumbling slightly rubbing my eyes.

"Oh thank you Y/n"She laughs slightly at me stumbling before going over picking up her shoes and sitting on her bed to put them on.

I pick up my shoes putting them on standing back up walking over to Missy that is standing by the window waiting for me.

"So I'm gonna go out first then I'm gonna help you out okay y/n..Y/N"

"What"I say rubbing my eyes looking at her.

She sighs opening the window climbing out onto the balcony I walk over grabbing her hands.

She helps me threw the window grabbing my arms as I make my way out so I don't fall she lets go of my arms.

"Do you know how to get on the roof"She looks at me l.

I nod my head.

"Good" She says

She grabs onto the little thing that's holding a light up pulling her self up and Climbing onto the roof.

"Come on"She says helping me on to the roof She pulls me up and I rub my wrist she has a tight grip and it hurts sometimes.

"Come on"She says standing up helping me up again and we start walking across.

"So are you gonna talk to Gomez tomorrow"

"If I'm on my death bed then yes I will"I say looking at her

"You are gonna be fine he's nice"

"I guess"I say as we make our way to the other side of the roof I look down Wondering how we gonna get down.

"We jump"

"No I'm not jumping down I might actually be on my death bed tomorrow"I say looking at her like she's stupid.

"Then we climb down"She says mimicking the look on my face.

I sigh and we start climbing down we make our way to the floor I let go falling to the floor Missy catching me she lets go as we make a run for it.

We climb up the gate and make our way over makeing a run for it again we make our way thru the forest.

"I swear I'm never running again"I say slumping against a rock she laughs and lays down on the leafs ground beside me.

"You'll be okay but look at the moon"

I lay down beside her looking up at the moon it was really pretty.

"Yeah it is pretty"

We lay there and talk not makeing a big deal of the time.

"Y/n we gotta go like right now"She stand up pulling me up and we both start running.

I didn't know why we where running till I looked up seeing the sky is turning blue we make it to the gate climbing over and jumping down.

"What time is it"She says looking at me

"I don't know"I say running down a hallway till I almost bump into someone they grab my arms stopping me from bumping into them

"I'm so sorry"I say looking at them person it was Gomez I was gonna die right then and there.

"It's okay just be more carefully next time"He says letting go a walking away smiling at me.

"Okay"I mumble to my self running back down the hallway makeing it to my dorm room basically opening the door.

"Y/n where did you go"Missy says as she sprays perfume on her uniform.

"I almost ran into Gomez then he stopped me and smiled at me"I say running over to my bed picking my Uniform of the floor shaking it off.

"He smiled at you"She says giggling at me rushing my words out.

"Yeah he smiled at me"I say changing into my uniform grabbing the perfume out her hand spraying some on me.

We run outside our dorm running to our first class we make our way inside sitting down in our sits.

I can hear her laugh slightly I look at her and she start laughing even more I put my hand over her mouth.

"Be quiet or we gonna get in trouble"I say smiling at her she clams down and I move my hand of her mouth.

I look around the classroom to see Gomez looking at the board I can't help but to look at him admire him.

"Y/n stop staring it's scary"Missy says lightly smacking my shoulder slightly.

I rub the area she hit.

"Be gentle with me your strong"

We both laugh at my words.

"Sorry"She says stifling her laugh as she start paying attention to what the teachers saying.

I look back over at Gomez he's so pretty he looks around catching me staring at him he smiles and waves at me.

My face goes red but I smile and wave back at him and I start paying attention I don't know why but I felt like I had to know.

Class is over and I basically rush out of class


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