Chapter 12

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She giggles a bit at that

"I'm sure you would"

I look at her

"I wanna hate him Tish I wanna not love him but I can't"

She sighs and looks around

"I know.."

She rubs my back before pulling me up

"I know it is probably gonna hurt for a while  you'll get over It you are such a strong person Y/n"

I smile at her

"Thank you"

She smiles and nods 

"I was thinking we could go to a party later on tonight"

I nod immediately wanting a distraction from everything that was happening over the last couple of days


She smiles and we both start to get ready since we were board even if the party started in 5 hours

====TIME SKIP===

We both start sneaking to the party  it was kinda funny to see her look around the corners and to hear her try to stop a few giggles when I did the same but soon we make it to the party

"Why did you have to run like that" She giggles a bit

She was the type of girl that you could get comfortable with quickly

"Stop I know I was trying not to fall its not funny" I giggle

She quickly apologies as we knock on the door to the party someone opens it to let us in

"Thank you" I quickly thank the person walking inside

I was quickly introduced to loud music and conversations along with laughter and some singing along to the song as they had drinks in their hand

I looked around feeling awkward as I saw some people smiling and laughing and pointing at me but I tried my best to ignore them

"Hey Im gonna go talk to some other friends is that okay" 

I nod as I watch her walk off finding a couch and sitting down It was in a dorm so there weren't many people but it was a decent-sized party

I smile as I see Missy talking to someone in the corner but it's clear she didn't see me at all so I sit there looking at some people

That's when I felt a tap on my shoulder it was Tara

"How have you been" She sat down beside me

"Ive been good"

She offers me some of her drink and I politely decline she shrugs watching as some more people come into the party including Gomez and I tense up a bit 


I hear Tara say as some guy walked up to us asking me to dance which I was more than happy about as I could get my mind off Gomez

"Ooh" I hear Tara say winking at me dramatically

I giggle a bit as I stand up handing her my drink the guy pulls me up and we start dancing a bit his hand on my waist

"You look so Familiar," He says as we sway to the music

I finally get a good look at him

"Oh my god Leon" I smile a bit as he twirls me

"Oh it's you, Alyssa"

He hugs me but quickly lets go as we continue to dance and then we keep talking even after the party ends and he walks me back to Mortica's room

"It was nice to see you Leon," I say as I go into Morticias room and hear a faint You too

I walked back into her room quietly as she was sleeping before laying down in her roommate's bed and going to sleep

In the morning I feel a tap on my shoulder waking me up from my sleep

"Whatttt..." I groan sitting up

"Come on Alyssa It's time to get up I wanna go to town" 

It was Morticia as she was already ready

"What why..."

"I don't wanna go alone please come"

I sigh getting up

"Thank you"

I smile as I brush my teeth and put perfume on

"So who was the boy you were dancing with"

She says as we walk out her door trying to be a bit quiet

"Oh this boy named Leon Carters we met before but just for a brief moment"

I yawn 

"Oh He goes to our school Ive caught him staring at you a couple of times"

I smile as I look at her

"That's very sweet"

I giggle a bit as we head out running toward the woods helping each other over the fence

We start walking through the woods 

"It's so cold..."

She nods

"It is"

We continue to  walk as I pick a couple of flowers and up rocks I find pretty

We made it to town there were barely any people around since it had just opened which was nice for it not to be crowded for once

"So what are we here for?" I ask 

"I guess snacks"

She shrugs as we head into a store 

"Just let's pick out a few then head back its freezing out"

I nod in agreement  and pick up a bag of chips and some candy

We pay and leave the store quickly making it back to Nevermore and going to her dorm eating  the snacks

"I was very hungry"

I giggle as she nods in agreement

"How did you like the party?" She asks

"It was nice...Gomez looked extra nice"

"Y/n that isn't good to say he hurt you" 

She looked so disappointed

"I know but I can't help if he's cute"

I look at her eating some candy

"I guess"

She shrugs

"He did look good"

"Okay Y/n"

I smiled a bit she looked so done with me that it was kinda funny

"Oh wait you should let me do your makeup"

She says to me as she gets up to get her makeup sitting down in front of me as she starts doing it  

"You have really pretty eyes" She smiles at me as she applies mascara

"Thank you" I smile

Soon she was done and we just sat there as she took a photo of me handing me the Polaroid

"I look pretty"

"You always look pretty"

I smile at her

"Oh y/n I gotta go get something from a friend will you come with me"

"Yeah ill come" I get up putting my shoes on

Were walking down the hallway when I see Gomez he's just talking to a friend and for a moment I forgot what he's done and I wave only for him to wave back slightly 

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