Chapter 10

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(Guys if you see the name Alyssa please tell me it's the actual name. of somebody leave a comment on the line with the name that is for any chapters you've seen please and thank you)

My face fell as I didn't know what to do or say now I realized why he walked away from me he knew


She nodded as she looked around awkwardly

"Who else knows"

"The whole school probably," She says to me as I notice people looking

At that moment I wanted to die as I looked away when I heard somebody giggle my face turned red immediately

"It's alright Y/n"

She said as she glared at somebody

"Why would he do that"

She starts walking us away from the main hallway

"I'm not sure Y/n"

She starts walking us to a bathroom for it to be somewhere more private as I felt so embarrassed and wanted to cry

"Hey, Hey it's okay people are just mean"

I nodded as I wiped tears as she locked the stall door

"I'm so sorry people are doing this... that he did this"

She hands me a tissue as I wipe my tears

"He was so nice to me before tho"

She nods

"Any boy can be... "

She rubs my back me and her have a history of being friends but we grew apart as she grew popular

"I-i know but I thought he was different"

I sigh


She smiles softly

"It's okay let's just skip the rest of the day have you been dress shopping yet"

I nod no

"Well let's go then"

She takes my hand pushing people out of her way so we can leave the school

"I bet you are gonna find the perfect date and have an amazing time we don't even need Gomez"

I nod smiling at her as we sneak off the school property hoping over the fence 

"Wait I don't got any money its all in my room"

I stand there for a moment 

"I got it don't worry"

I smile

"Are you sure it is alright if I pay you back?" I ask

She nods 

"Whatever makes you comfortable"

I smile nodding as we start to walk to the town talking and laughing as we do she was really fun to talk to and hang out with she was also keeping my mind off him

"Do you think I did any-"

She shuts me up quickly 

"No, he's just rude"

Soon we walked into town looking around at the different stuff until we saw a dress shop

"Okay, so what type of dress are you looking to get.."

She says as she looks at all the different options 

"I guess a black dress.."

I say pick one up before putting it back 

"You gotta be more specific" She giggles a bit as I notice a couple of people staring at me

"Im trying...but like people are staring at us" 

I turn around looking at them as they quickly look away going back to what they were doing before

I sighed and soon I found a dress it was beautiful and fit my personality 

"Look it's so pretty"

I smile holding the dress up to me as people enter the store

"It is"

I hear a different voice say and i turn around to see Morticia 

"Ohhh thank you"

I smiled at her I and her have talked a couple of times she was always very nice to me telling me if my hair was messed up or if my uniform was wrong

"Im sorry for the rumor going around.."

She says truthfully 

"It's alright some people are just mean"

 I say back as Tara walks always to go try and find me some shoes since she decided I needed some to go with my dress

"Yeah but out of all people, I didn't expect Gomez to"

I sigh a bit

"Me either"

She smiles at me

"Don't worry about it tho it's probably gonna blow over"

I nod 

"I hope so"

I smile at her waving goodbye as she starts to look at the jewelry 

Me and tara pay for the dress and leave walking back to Nevermore once we do we say our goodbyes and I quickly walk to my dorm avoiding eye contact as I hear some people giggle 

I make it to my dorm shut the door and sit on my bed Missy sitting on her bed reading

"What's that"

She says as she walks over

"My dress"

She smiles before it fades

"Did you hear the rum-"

She goes to speak before I interrupt her

"Yes I have and I currently don't wanna talk about it"

She nods her head

"Dont let people get to you..promise me"

I smile

"I promise"

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