Chapter 9

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As soon as he heard what he did he quickly walked away not believing what he had just heard did the girl he liked honestly like him back?

I mean of course she did she just admitted it he had heard everything she said he didn't know how to go on from now he just knew he couldn't say anything to her so he did the one thing he could he walked away.


I giggle as we continue to make fun of each other I knew it was nice to have her around even if we joked we knew we had each other.

"You couldn't even talk to him and now you are out shopping with him...good for you" She smiles at me

I giggle at her looking away from her a slight blush on my face before I turn back

"Yeah but It's clear he doesn't like me"

She turns to me

"You are so oblivious Y/n from what I've heard he is obsessed with you like change his path type of OBSESSED"

I looked at her like she had two heads there was no way Gomez Addams was gonna like someone like me

"Youre crazy"

She acts fake offended

"I am not your just oblivious"

We start to play fight and after that, we go to sleep


When I woke up I started getting ready and leaving my room to go to class looking around for Gomez but when I saw him he did not look at me or anything he avoids me

"Oh hi go-"

He walks away and I stand there shocked just a couple of days he was talking to me but now he just walked away and that hurt

So I do the exact same thing and walk away as well looking for Missy

"Missy Gomez just walked away from me"

I sit down at a table looking at her as we get our notebooks and pencils out

"He did?"

She asked me as she turned to me shocked as well

"Yeah I didn't think he liked but he tolerated me"

I spoke to her slightly upset about it and she touched my back patting it

"It'll be alright Y/n he's not worth it"

I nod my head as class starts and when class ends I walk out now wanting to go lay in my bed but I couldn't I had more than one class


I turn around to see Tara the nicest girl in school

"Alyssa wait a moment?"

She grabs my shoulder

"Do you like Gomez"

I look at her completely shocked how did she know

"No but why would you think that"

She looks at me looking around before whispering in my ear

"There's a rumor going around somebody told everyone and know alot of people know"

My heart drops who new and then it hit me Gomez probably knew

"Do you know who told"

she took her hand off my shoulder


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