Chapter Six

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(Hiii guys I'm so sorry for not updating a lot I didn't have any ideas where to take this)

We both make it to the town talking with each other

"I'm so tired," He says as we walk into town

"What you've never snuck out before"I giggle at him

"Of course, I have just ran here"

"I always run here" I turn to him

"I can tell"He nods as he slowly catches his breath

We slowly start walking around looking at the stores they have

"What type of stuff do you like," He asked me as we both walk down the small road they had

"I don't know honestly I just pick up what I find pretty" I shrug walking into one of the stores looking around at all the stuff they had

"This is pretty" I say showing him an old ring I found that was on display

He nods in agreement as I sit down the ring to walk to a different area little did I know he went back to the ring picked it up and bought it

"Gomez," I say peaking from around the corner

"Yeah" He looks up from a pile of old books that were quite dusty

"What types of things do you like" I pick up a different peices of jewelry but this one was newer and ugly in my opinion

"Anything that I find Interesting but if I had to pick something overall it Wouhd be old things you know I just find it beautiful," He says sitting the book down walking over to a different area

But little did he know I went to the book he picked up and read quite a bit off it and bought it

"Gomez do you wanna go to a different store" I pick up my bag from the counter

"Yeah" He nods as we both head out the door bags in hand

"What did you get," I say curiously

"I can't tell you it's a surprise," He says hiding the bag behind his back

"Your so childish sometimes" I giggle

"You can be childish too," He says laughing along with me

I hit him with my bag gently

"That is not nice," I say fake scolding him

"I'm very sorry," He says trying to stop himself from laughing

I also try not to laugh before we both burst out laughing causing people to turn and stare which cause us to laugh even harder as we go and look at other stores

"there's nothing else I want here," I say slightly disappointed

"me either," he says sipping on the drink he bought

"Can I have some" I look at his drink

"yeah here you go" He hands the drink to me

"thank you," I say taking a sip of his drink and handing it back

"do you wanna go back to school" He looks at me his eyes scanning my face

"Yeah" I nod kinda getting bored of course not of him but just walking in general

He nods as we both start walking back to school

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