Chapter 4

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"Why not"

"I just get this feeling Y/n"

"Maybe he nice We don't know Missy"

"I guess"She says pulling the vace out the bag putting it down on her nightstand.

She looks at me.

"Do you wanna go hang out with me and my friends later they said you could come"

"Sure"I say looking at her

-Time skip-

We walk up to a dorm room being quiet not to make and noises so we don't bring I guess attention to ourselves.

Someone opens the door to reveal the inside It has diffent colored light,Cups all of the place,and alot of people.

"Missy" A dude say hugging Missy she hugs him back.

"Oh hi Y/n"He say letting us walk inside.

Missy walk off to go talk to her other freinds and I go over to the couch sitting down.

I look around to see if there's any other people that I might know till I feel the weight of another person sitting beside me.

"Hi Y/n"

I look over to see Gomez looking at me with a slight smile.

"Hi how'd you know my name"

"Oh Missy gave it to me is that alright"

I nod and he smiles again His smile is so beautiful I can't explain it.

"Do you like the party"

See I like party's but this party was kinda boring in my opinion just cause I knew no one here.

"No not really"

He looks at me laughing slightly

"Me either,Do you wanna go somewhere else it could be were ever you want"

I look at Missy and she winks at me I smile back at her.

"Shure"I say as he gets up holding out his hand for me to take which I take.

He leads me threw the crowd of people and we make it out the door.

"Do you wanna go for a walk"I ask looking at him.

"Shure"He says looking back at me.

We start walking till we make it to a nice area to lay down.

"The stars are beautiful"I say looking at Gomez.

"It really is"

We watched as dark clouds roll over the sky.

"I love weather like this"

"Me too"I look at him admiring his face till I see water droplet falls into them we both sit up as we fell rain drop onto us.

"Where gonna be socked by the time we get back to the school"I laugh slightly standing up.

I look over at Gomez to see him looking at the sky admiring it I grab his arm lightly.

"We gotta go"He says as we wake eye contact.

"Yeah we gotta go"I laugh at him slightly feeling the rain go down my face.

We both start running trying not to get entirely socked from the rain we make it to the school me still holding onto his hand wich was on his arm but it slipped into his hand why'll running.

"Are you guys okay"We both turn around to see this random kid.

"Yeah we're okay"Gomez says trynna hold back his laugh.

We both run to where the dorms are are arms I interlocked.

"Do you wanna hang out Tomorrow" he says looking at me before I go into my dorm room.

"Yeah"I wave at him bye and walk in.

"Y/N"I hear someone behind me.

I turn around to see Missy.



"Why are you socked"

"We took a walk and it started raining"

She nods at me.

"Is that where y'all went after you both left the party".

I nod my head picking up dry clothes going to the bathroom to change.



"Are you guys together now"

"No we just started talking"

I hear a sigh from the other side of the door I pull on my shirt and I walk out

"Just so you know the way he walk looking at you I think he loves you"

"Stop feeding into my delusions"

She laughs slightly at my words then groans


"We gotta do French homework"

I groan and walk over to my bag takeing it out trying not to rip it or set it on fire I sit at my desk and start

*How do you say "I love you" in French*

Je vous aime
*How do you say "Goodbye"In French*

Au revoir

(I used goggle translate for that so I hope it's good 😍♥️💋)

I finished my homework putting it into my bag walking over to Missy's desk seeing her struggling was slightly funny

"Do you need help"

"Yeah"she says looking at me

I help her then we both get tired and we slug over to our beds and lay down.

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