Chapter 7

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We walked back to school careful not to make too much noise as we got closer we didn't want to get in trouble

"Hey Y/N"

"Yes Gomez"

"If neither of us gets a date to  the rave'N dance do you just wanna go together"

I look over at him shocked he was so upfront about it

He looks at me confused before his face falls

"Do you already have a date?" He says to me a hint of jealousy in his voice

"What-No I don't"

"Then what is it" Leaves crunch under our shoes as we get closer and closer to Nevermore 

"Don't worry about it but yeah if we don't get dates ill love to go with you" 

He smiled and all my senses go off his smile was so pretty I don't know what happened to me at that moment it felt like everything changed 

"You alright" I hear a voice call out quickly pulling me out of my thoughts 

"What, Yeah im okay just thinking," I say quickly trying to hide my embarrassment 

"What are you thinking about you can always talk to me," He says softly 

"I don't really know just stuff you know?"

He nods understanding what I was saying

Soon we arrive back at Nevermore talking like we usually do but the more I was around him the happier I was and when he was gone I felt empty it felt like he made everything better



"What do you think about me"

"I think you are wonderful Y/n you are a really good friend"

He only thought of me as a friend 

I was hurt but I didn't have the right to be we barely knew each other

but deep down I was hurt even then I smile at him

"Thank you" 

"What about me Y/n"

What about you Gomez, I think you are the most beautiful person in the world I can't get you out of my head your everything to me and I know we barely know each other but I care for you deeply but I can't just say that to him

"I think you're a great friend to Gomez"

I smile at him knowing I wanted to be more than friends but that was crazy we barely knew each other I can't just confess my feelings and expect him to accept and reciprocate them back that was even crazier 

He smiled 

"Thank you," He says looking at me 

He had the most beautiful eyes to me I could just stare at them for hours and not get bored

"You're welcome"

He hands me my bags as we separate paths heading to our own dorms 

I walk inside my dorm seeing Missy looking at her dress for the Rave'n dance 

(Her dress is down below and idk why the photo is so big)

(Her dress is down below and idk why the photo is so big)

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She turns to me instantly

"where have you been I've been waiting for you to show up"

I turn to her confused 


"I need your opinion on my dress" She smiles at me holding the dress up

"What do you think" Her smile grows even wider

"It's very pretty Missy" I smile at her

"Thank you do you have your dress yet"

"I haven't" I laugh a little 

"What how can you not have a dress already the things in a month"

"I know I went but I didn't find anything that suited me or I found pretty"

She sighs 

"Well tomorrow we're going dress shopping you understand"

A/N: Hiiiii guys i have something to ask that i really need your opinion on wouhd you guys like for me to pick out a dress for you guys to wear ill pick out like three options and let you guys vote and also should i give Y/n like powers 

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