Chapter 11

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Me and Missy had spent the whole night talking and fawning over each other dress it was nice to have a couple of people not laughing or whispering about me some even smiled and waved at me

"See look some people don't even care"

Missy smiles as she looks around  


I smile as we both walk into class taking our seats and getting our stuff out but my mood was instantly changed when I saw Gomez walk in talking with his friends

I could feel my heart breaking how could he act like he didn't do that to me it hurt me to see him

"Y/n it's alright ignore him he's not worth it at all"

She pats my back gently as I just nod starting to write in my notebook as more people flood into class 

It was so boring all we did was take notes the entire time but we headed towards our second class of the day then our third then lunch

Me and Missy quickly walk to our table sit down and devouring our food

"So you got a date yet"

She asks drinking some blood and I just turn and look at her

"Wait...yeah im sorry"

I giggle a bit  

"It's okay it was a little funny"

She then pulled out her sketchbook but I wasn't listening I was just staring at him well his back because he was busy talking to his friends


Missy says a bit loud as I just look at her

"Anyways look at my drawings"

She says smiling 

"Okay show me what you did"

I turned my attention to her as she showed me her drawings and quickly she was done as we went back to eating and talking

"I just didn't expect it from him you know"

I say 

"Me either I mean Gomez..I thought he was nice that's what everyone said"

For some reason, Gomez had to walk past and turn at his name but I didn't look at him I couldn't and he didn't look long either he just quickly walked away

(I felt like throwing that in Idk)

It hurt to see so I just stood up threw away my trash and walked away deciding to go to my next class early Missy quickly got up as well

"Oh my god slow down"

She called out so I stopped and waited for her

"I-im sorry Missy I just couldnt-"

She quickly stopped me

"No don't apologize it's okay you have nothing to be sorry for"

We continued walking to my next class that's when I felt two hands grab me pushing me of course, it had to be some mean girl


She slaps me and that quickly gets Missy's attention as she comes back yelling at the girl 

The girl runs off

"Are you alright Y/n"

She says checking my face and glaring at the girl as she grabs my hand as we continue walking to the next class which I had without her and Gomez which was nice 

"I'll see you later alright"

She lets go of my hand and I quickly walk into my class taking a seat in the back corner this was one of my favorite classes as the lights were always dim and I could sleep 

But I didn't sleep this time I just got out a journal and started writing in it

"Can I sit here?"

I look up to see morticia 

"Yeah of course"

I smile at the fact I at least had someone to sit with now

"Thank you...whats that"

She points at my journal

"My notebook"

She just nods as I put it back in my bookbag

"I saw you got slapped earlier"

I sit back up looking at her

"You did..."

She nods

"Yeah it was Cecilia that slapped you she's like the biggest Gomez fan if you wanna call her that but he doesn't even want her tho shes just a bother to him"

I smile a bit

"I didn't even do nothing I was just walking"

We both giggle a bit before being told to be quiet by the teacher as he talks about vampires but soon the class ends and everyone rushes out thankful that's their last class of the day and they can head back to their dorms

"Hey Y/n," Morticia says

"Yeah?" I turn towards her

"Do you wanna have a sleepover in my dorm my roommate's out tonight and I don't wanna sleep alone"

I nod smiling

"Okay good my room number is 251"

She smiles walking away and back to her dorm as I quickly go back to mine walking in and smiling MIssy wasn't there yet so I just sat there but I quickly started packing a bag it was also a Friday which meant everyone was free

"Where you going"

I hear Missy say as she walks in

"Oh im having a sleepover with Morticia"

She just nods as she walks over to her bed sits down and just lays there

"Guess what.."

She says as she looks at me


She smiles as she sits up

"I got asked out by someone"

I smiled i was so happy for her 

"that's good"

I sit there as she rambles on about the whole situation i smile at her as she talks

"Im so happy for you"

She nods and smiles as she sits down on her bed

"Well I gotta start walking to Morticias'll see you tomorrow alright"

She smiles and nods as we both say goodbye I leave our dorm and start walking to hers smiling the entire way that's when I see Gomez holding another girl's hand and them smiling at each other

Gomez notices me instantly and lets go of her hands slightly but I quickly walk past turning the corner and running to Morticia's dorm 

When I got there I knocked on her dorm trying to fight back the tears I knew I had no right to still like him after all this but I couldn't help it

Morticia opens the door seeing my state and ushered me in before leading me to her bed

"What's wrong Y/n" 

She sits down beside me 

"G-gomez I-i saw him-"

She just nods rubbing my back

"Y-you still like him...after everything you still like him"

I just nod as I take the tissue she offers me wiping my tears away

"I don't think I could ever stop even if he was accused of Murder"

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