Chapter 14

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I started walking away from him I felt slightly bad but what he did to me genuinely hurt me and my reputation at school

"Y/n just listen to me" He grabs my shoulders just so he can get my attention before letting go his hands falling to his sides

"What..Gomez just speak I gotta go"

He nods

"So I know you heard the rumor going around I just want to explain myself.."

"Explain what you told everyone I liked you-"

He quickly cuts me off

"excuse me I never told anyone I don't know how people found out in the first place but I would never"

I stand there

"You don't gotta lie Gomez I know you figured it out or something-"

He cuts me off again

"I did I heard you and your friend talking about it but I wouldn't just tell other people that's rude to you I would never do that to you"

He looked offended I would even think it was him

"Then why'd my friend tell me it was you" I say just looking at him

"I don't know why she would but I wouldn't I couldn't do that it's not who I am" He quickly defended himself

"You swear Gomez because that really hurt"

"I promise you-Y/n I lov-"

I notice the time

"Im so sorry but I gotta go I can't be late again"

I quickly ran off to go to the first class of the day sitting in my seat I was so confused if Gomez didn't go around and tell people then who did 


I was currently walking back to my dorm after the last class of the day it was still bothering me about what happened I was still trynna think

I made it to my dorm walking in but Missy wasn't there I guess she was out so I was just there alone with my thoughts so I just decided to sleep it off for the night as that was easy for me

I laid down sleeping peacefully for the whole night not even waking up when Missy came back or the look on her face either

When I woke up the next morning she was gone too and it was early on a Saturday I was so confused about where she was

I get up groaning I don't even know what I was doing up this early either I noticed Missy didn't leave a note either which she usually did if she was leaving early but it was okay I trusted her 

I get dressed deciding to just look around nevermore 

I open the door hearing something falling to the floor I look down to see a piece of paper on the ground

I bend down grab the paper closing my door behind me as I unfold the piece of paper the first line of the note was

"Dear Y/n I know you hate me right now but I need you to listen to me about what happened"

I sigh stuffing the letter in my pocket noticing something on the floor it was a ring a beautiful ring

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