Chapter 15

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Also, I wanted to ask if should I add more photos to describe what the stuff looks like or if would you rather me not 

alsooo this chapter longer for yall


I admired the ring for a second it was a silver ring with a red gem in the middle of leaf's surrounding it it was beautiful 

I was confused about how Gomez knew what I liked but I wasn't gonna complain since it came from him and that made me feel good

I left my dorm walking to Morticas dorm to tell her about everything that happened, I kept walking to her room ignoring all the people around with their partners excited about the dance since I was a little Jealous

I get to her dorm and knock on the door waiting for her to answer if she is even there, She opens the door smiling when she sees me

"Y/n how have you been" She smiles

I smile back 

"Ive been good"

She lets me in closes the door and sits down on her bed

"Sooo do you have a date to the Raven tomorrow"

I nod my head no 

"No one's asked me," I say

She frowns a bit

"Im sorry"

I nod my head no

"No don't apologize it's okay plus I got to tell you some stuff"

She looks at me

"So Gomez came up to me asking to talk and I was like no then walked off then he grabbed my wrist so I decided to be nice and talk to him and he asked me if I heard the rumor and when I told him that I knew he told he said No he didn't and he would never do that and this morning I found a letter and ring on my door"

I hand her the note and ring, She reads it looking at me confused 

"If he didn't then who did?" She asks

"I don't know im so confused," I say back

She thinks for a couple of seconds

"Well let's not think too much about it so we can have a good day tomorrow"

She says getting up

"We both have beautiful dresses and were both beautiful so we're gonna have fun no matter what"

She smiles taking her dress out of her closet and showing it off smiling as I compliment the dress

"If we don't get dates then we could hang out together," She says putting it up

"Yeah that would be nice" I smile a bit

The rest of the night me and her would spend it just talking about anything we thought about eventually falling asleep 

When I woke up in the morning I felt excited since today was the day of the raven I immediately left a note telling Mortica I was going back to my dorm 

I leave the room running back to my room feeling happy about everything 

My dress was cute and that made me feel good, I got to my dorm opening the door to see Missy was back and on her bed reading a book to kill time

"Oh hey, Y/n how are you?" She smiles at me

"I've been good where have you been?" I ask her raising my eyebrow

"I've just been out getting ready for the dance don't worry" 

I nod sitting on my bed getting my dress and shoes out laying them out before thinking

"Soooo you have a date yet?" Missy ask

"No, sadly I don't" I shrug

She just nods

"Im sorry to hear that," she says

She gently hugs me

"it's okay I mean-"

We hear a knock at our door so she goes to answer it seeing it was her partner for the dance holding out roses to her

She smiles and takes them and hugs her partner for the dance before closing the door 

I knew it was wrong but I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as she put them in a vase, She looked at me and smiles

"Aren't they pretty" She says as she smiles and looks at me

"Yeah they are pretty" I smile at her

She nods as she starts getting ready since she is also gonna get something to eat with her partner 

I just sat there reading a book since I had plenty of time later to get ready 

"You alright?"

I hear Missy say as she was doing her hair

"Yeah...just thinking" 

I was thinking about Gomez I wanted so badly to believe him but I didn't know what to believe I was told it was him but he was telling me something different

"Thinking about what?" She turns to look at me

"Nothing important.."

I smile reassuring her knowing it was a lie

"You can always talk to me" She reassured me

"I know thank you" I smile

Even if I didn't have Gomez I always had Missy to be my friend and I knew she wouldn't do anything to hurt me we always had each other even if we didn't have anyone else 

She smiles before going back to do her hair and smiling once again at me through the mirror this time 

"Hey if Gomez is there tonight don't worry to much about him don't give him the time off day to occupy your thoughts your so much better than that"

She finished her hair before starting to do her makeup 

"Hey what earring should I wear tonight"

She holds up two different pairs

"The ruby ones suit your dress better," I tell her eyeing her dress and then the different pairs

She smiles before standing up 

"you can wear the other ones they suit your dress well"

I smile before she puts on her dress then her shoes and jewelry

"How do I look" She smiles twirling a bit

I smile a bit

"you look perfect Missy they are gonna love your outfit"

There was a knock on our door letting her know her partner to the dance was here to get her so she waved goodbye before grabbing her bag spraying some perfume and leaving 

Now I was in the room all alone no one to distract me or help me get ready which was okay but I wanted the support too

That is when there's a knock on the door...



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