Chapter 3

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I fell someone tap my shoulder I turn around to see Gomez.

"You left your pencil on your table"He say looking at me handing me my pencil.

"Oh thank you"I say grabbing it and smiling at him.

"No problem"He says smiling back at me.

He says goodbye and walks away from me I turn back to see Missy looking at me smiling and giggling.

"Y/N"She runs up to me shaking me and dragging me to our next class .

"What"I say giggling at her as I walk next to her.

"You guys talked"She says as we head to our next class which happens to be french.

We walk in a take a seat in the back of the class in a corner we take out a notebook and Pencils as the teacher starts.

"This class is going by so slow"Missy says groaning.

"I know Im actually gonna cry"I say laying my head on the table I look over at Missy to see her drawing something.

"Look"She shows me her notebook and it's a unflattering picture of our teacher.

I laugh slightly at her antics and quickly shove her notebook down so the teacher can't see it as she walks buy.

As the class ends we put up our stuff and walk out the classroom we sit down at a table and start eating.

"So do you wanna go to that town after classes are done"She say looking at me.

I nod my head yes and I finish eating my food.

We walk into our last class and I sit down first then Missy.

I watch as everyone makes there way into the class waiting for Gomez to walk in till he finally does.

He walks in and I Finally get the courage to wave at him So when he looks at our area I wave at him and He waves and smiles back at me sitting down in his seat.

"Y/n did you just wave at him"Missy says looking at me in schock.

"Yeah why"

She smiles at me and basically makes fun of me the whole time for being scared to talk to him and when I do he's nice to me.

Once the lesson is over we run out of class and into our dorm throwing our bags down her running into the bathroom to change.


She comes out the bathroom and We go out the window climbing down the school climbing over the fence makeing a run for it.

"I think I'm gonna die"I say as we make it to the town.

We walk around looking at the random stores till I see one I like I drag Missy inside the store.

"Look Missy it's so pretty"I say holding up this old ring

"Buy it"She says picking up this vase she found we walk towards the front of the store we buy our things and walk out we start gushing I over the things we bought.

That's till I bumped into someone I look at who I bumped into and I see the dude with light brow hair to his shoulder and blue eyes

"I'm so sorry"I say makeing eye contact with the person.

"It's cool"He says smiling at me

(I'm so sorry guys I don't wanna make him stalk you but he still like you very much)

"What's your name"

"Leon Carters"

He sounds so familiar and I don't know why.

"That's nice my name's Y/n L/n"

"Nice to meet you"

Missy taps me on my shoulder to say let's go.

"Well, I'll see you later, Leon"I say walking away from him

"Bye Y/n"

We walk away and we make our way to our dorm room being careful with the stuff in our bags.

We get over the gate and we climb onto the roof makeing our way across climbing thru our window.



"You know the dude you where talking to earlier"


"I don't trust him"

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