Chapter 13

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I was shocked to see that as he was Ignoring me not to long ago but it felt nice for him to wave

I quickly go to my dorm my entire face a slight red

"Missy guess what"

I look at her she was getting ready for something but I wasn't sure what for

"What?" she said as she put lipstick on

"Gomez waved at me"

She turned to look

"He waved at you... I thought he hated you"

I shrug

"Me too maybe he's coming back to me"

"Maybe... Are you excited for the raven this weekend"

"I guess.... no one's asked me yet tho"

" It'll be okay Y/n I'll be there Tara and Morticia will be there too"

"you're right," I say looking at her as I sit down

I just look at her for a bit

"Should I even go"

" Yes you gotta go Y/n"

" I know but no one wants to go with me"

She just looks at me sighing

" I know but a lot of people probably don't have dates"

"Yeah, but I wanted Gomez... " I say just lying down

" Well he Dosent want you so stop saying things like that all he did was hurt you"

I just nod before sitting up

" Just take a nap okay I'll be here when you wake up"

I nod as I put my blanket over me then my weighted one

"It'll be okay Y/n I promise you you'll find someone who would do anything for you"

I just nod as she closes the blind and turn the lights off as she walks out

" I'll see you later" I hear her say

For the next couple hours I sleep my mind going to a place with peace and no problems I had to worry about

It was now Friday morning and I had woken up early seeing Missy was there and sleeping

I get up deciding too have a little extra time to get ready

"W-what are you doing?"

She ask me sitting up and rubbing her eyes

"Nothing just go back to sleep"

I had gotten ready and by the time it was time for Missy to wake up I was already ready and decided to leave early

I walk out the door making my way to my next class seeing a couple of other students up usually the ones that like to have a couple of extra minutes outside of class

That's when I bump into someone going to apologize till I see Gomez I get nervous immediately so I try to walk past him and he quickly grabs my wrist

"Y/n can we please talk," Gomez says sounding almost desperate

"No we can't talk Gomez I gotta go"

That was a lie

"Class Dosent start for a couple of minutes please Y/n I need to explain"

I just stand there

"I'm sorry but no Gomez I can't talk to you right now"

I snatch my hand out of his wrist walking away as he stands there just looking at me


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