00.06: Fragments of Memories

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2 years before, dedicated to the Queen of New Orleans, 

Under the starlit night sky, the moon's gentle glow cast a silver shimmer upon the still lake. Hope Mikaelson sought solace on a weathered bench, her gaze drawn to the full moon. Dan, a figure cloaked in mystery, approached in the hushed darkness, his presence a captivating symphony amidst the nocturnal serenity. The boy that came with the beauty of the moon.

"Hey, is the seat beside you free? or you want some time alone?" He asked with his arms placed behind his back, his feet wiggling in anxiety. 

Hope smiled gently as she patted the seat beside her. Dan sighed in relief as he sat himself down. As the gentle breeze whispered through the trees, Dan's eyes became fixed upon Hope as if he were beholding a masterpiece. In the ethereal glow of the moonlight, she seemed to transcend the ordinary, radiating a luminosity that mesmerized him. Every delicate curve of her face, every flicker of emotion in her eyes, sent his heart into a blissful turmoil.

Hope, oblivious to Dan's gaze, spoke with a voice that stirred the deepest corners of his soul. "Hayley, my mom, she- " she began, her voice filled with a bittersweet nostalgia. "She was more than a mother to me. She was my best friend, my companion in this world. We had our adventures, playing hide and seek in the woods near our home."

Dan listened intently, his heart swelling with a profound understanding of the bond they shared. He marveled at the way Hope's words painted a vivid picture of the love they had shared. It was as if the very essence of Hayley's spirit was brought to life in her recollections. And, it did, for some reason, a figure of a woman with this distinct facial features came to his mind. The words, hybrid, rang in his mind. 

He snapped his eyes back to reality. He did not know who it was but he had this feeling that was Hayley Marshall, Hope's mother. 

"She was my protector, always there for me," Hope continued, a soft smile gracing her lips. "Her love knew no bounds. But she was not just my shield. She was my soul, someone that can always bring me back to the world. My confidante, someone I could always rely on. I admired her strength, her unwavering love. I loved her because she gave me a safe home through the best of her abilities when everyone wanted to kill me just for existing. She fought for me no matter what and she loved me every single day that she lived to the day she died."

Dan heard her voice break, she spoke with a gentle voice, but her words, they were encompassing him. In that second, Dan felt a surge of admiration for both Hayley and Hope, their connection transcending time and space. He could almost see Hayley's radiant presence beside them, her love emanating through Hope's words. It was as if fate had conspired to bring him to this moment, to witness the beauty of their bond.

In that moment, Dan felt as though time had suspended its relentless march forward. The world around them faded into insignificance, leaving only the two of them amidst the starlit canvas. He drank in the sight of her, committing every nuance of her being to memory—the way her hair cascaded like liquid sunlight, the way her eyes held a universe of untold stories, and the way her lips curled with a tenderness that spoke of both strength and vulnerability.

It was as if destiny had conspired to bring them together, their souls entwined in a dance as ancient as time itself. Dan felt a magnetic pull towards Hope, an inexplicable connection that defied rational explanation. His heart whispered secrets only known to the moon, silently confessing this feeling that had awakened within him, one he had never expected to find.

As the night whispered its secrets, Dan vowed to remain by her side, ready to protect and cherish the fragile connection that fate had woven between them. In the silence between their words, he drank in the sight of Hope, etching every detail into his heart. He couldn't deny the depth of his feelings, the unspoken truth that his soul had found its match in hers.

As the moon's gentle radiance reflected upon the lake, a flicker of realization stirred within Hope. The connection between her and Dan, once shrouded in uncertainty, began to tease at the edges of her consciousness. A hint of panic fluttered within her, the fear of allowing someone new to enter her heart, to become entangled in her life.

Hope's heart raced as she realized that the fragments of her memories, the echoes of her mother's love, seemed to resonate within her whenever she was near Dan. It was as if he held a key to a part of herself she had yet to fully explore.

She couldn't deny the pull she felt, the way his presence ignited a fire within her. But she also couldn't ignore the flutter of fear that accompanied the intensity of her emotions. The journey of opening her heart to someone new was a delicate dance, one she wasn't sure she was ready for.

Hope turned her gaze back to the tranquil waters, her voice soft yet with a hint of trepidation. "Dan," she spoke, her words carrying a mix of uncertainty and hope. "It's... it's strange. I feel a certain pull when I'm around you, as if our paths were meant to cross. But it scares me, too."

Dan's eyes searched hers, his expression filled with empathy. "Hope," he replied gently, his voice a soothing balm. "I understand the fear that accompanies new connections. But sometimes, the greatest moments in life come from embracing the unknown, from taking that leap of faith."

Hope nodded, her heart beating a little faster within her chest. She was torn between the familiarity she felt with Dan and the fear of losing herself in the process. She couldn't deny the undeniable chemistry between them, yet a part of her longed for the safety of solitude.

"In this world of uncertainty," Hope murmured, her voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and determination, "perhaps it's worth taking a chance, even if it scares me. Maybe, just maybe, there's something extraordinary waiting for us."

Dan's gaze held a silent promise, a reassurance that he would be there for her through whatever lay ahead. Hope felt a glimmer of hope ignite within her, the realization that the fragments of her past could merge into a future full of love and possibility.

It was as if destiny had conspired to bring them together, their souls entwined in a dance as ancient as time itself. Dan felt a magnetic pull towards Hope, an inexplicable connection that defied rational explanation. His heart whispered secrets only known to the moon, silently confessing a love that had awakened within him, one he had never expected to find.

As the night whispered its secrets, Dan vowed to remain by her side, ready to protect and cherish the fragile connection that fate had woven between them. In the silence between their words, he drank in the sight of Hope, etching every detail into his heart. He couldn't deny the depth of his feelings, the unspoken truth that his soul had found its match in hers.

- To be Continued -

Yves speaks!

I'm back and hope you love the new chapter, drop down what you think Dan is and what his relation is with Hope Mikaelson and the family.

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