00.01: Chance

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2 years before Malivore,

The moon had just reached its apex as the clocks around Mystic Falls turned their hands to 11pm. It was a strange occurrence for the town to be as still as silence, with no crowd and no celebrations at night.

Amongst the leaves falling, moon shining, and people sleeping was a boy who looked roughly 16 years of age. He was walking around the park wearing a black polo shirt and slacks. His curly black hair glinting every time the lights flashed upon him.

This boy was named Dan. He wasn't sure if this was his real name. Waking up without any memories of who you were and what your age was would do that. He did not know a thing about what makes him, well, him.

He woke up approximately five months ago in this park, in this town without any knowledge of who he was, except for the name Dan. He didn't know if it was his name but he liked it so he went by the name Dan. It would be pretty helpful to have an answer when someone asks you who you are.

But, it seemed as if alongside his memories, his whole presence has disappeared. Nobody in this town could see him but he could see them. And, for some reason, the moment he could see them, he would instantly know if they were supernatural or not.

Peculiar, He felt. Strange, He thought. He didn't know if he would feel lonely about what was happening because everything was blank for him. Memories, Thoughts, and Emotions.

So, he took this to his advantage. He couldn't leave the place but he could roam it and observe the people, day in, day out.

He was a ghost in this town and his only friend was the moon who knew that he walked this town everyday. For five months, he would roam around and learn the ways of the town. The library became his second favorite spot. This park was the first.

The third was The Grill, he thought the name was dumb but when he was there, he could fully observe the people and, the smell and taste of free food and drink never disappoints. His particular favorite would be the peanut butter sandwich and then the classic strawberry shake.

The one thing that kept bothering him was the supernatural beings that he could see and sense. Vampire, Witch, Wolf, and well others. He would always think when he sees them visiting the school for a game, he wasn't sure but he thinks there's a school for supernatural if he always see them in groups every time.

Well, it wasn't his problem. As long as they don't bother him and scare him off, it's okay. Everything will be okay. Sometimes, he would think he was lonely, those were the days where the town would be crowded and everyone would be with their loved ones, except for him.

He would be amongst them, enjoying as well but no one could see him, no one could feel him, and no one could hear him. It was the human in him but the dreamer that lived within him. Well, he loved the freedom that he had.

The way he would always see the sunrise and sunset, the trees breezing and everything in between. The books, the arts, the history of the town itself was beautiful.

In nights like this, where his only friend was the moon, as lonely as that sounds, he made use of it doing lots of things. He would talk with the moon and think of what the moon's responses would be, making a story out of it. Sometimes, he would clean around the park or town.

And sometimes, he would just read, sitting on that little bench.

His Little Home.

The night was slipping farther from him as he had spent the last few minutes to midnight, circling the park and counting the steps towards his bench.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. His steps. And as the clock hit midnight, he heard the voice. It was powerful and gentle. Yet, the voice was filled with so much hurt that if he could talk to this person, he would.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for everything that happened. "

He turned towards the voice, and there she was, in all her morose glory. The moon looked at her, placing an ethereal glow in her auburn hair as if the moon was enthralled with her beauty. As well as Dan. This had become a routine for about two months.

He doesn't know how long had the girl done this, but he had just noticed her two months ago and it had become a routine. Every Wednesday, at midnight. At first, he had stood far away, just staring at the girl in pain muttering apologies towards the moon or screaming curses at the moon but either way, he gave her privacy even though she was sitting at his bench.

"Every day, the knowledge that I'm a cosmic mistake is thrown at me...Everyone just looks at me and I feel like an outcast. I hear them whispering about how much of a curse it is to know me. It hurts. It truly hurts knowing that you're all dead because of me. "

His heart burned whenever he heard her voice.

He didn't know this girl but he knew that it would be a blessing to know her. To truly know her.

"Darling, it would be a blessing to know you. " He whispered underneath his breath, gazing at her as she sat in his bench.

He didn't know what came over him but for over two months, he had seen and heard this girl in pain and no one had bothered to check up on her, to be beside her as she let out her grief. And, every time, he hears her choke on a sob as if she was trying to hold her tears in even though no one but the moon and he would see or hear it.

In his eyes, he could see that she felt like she did not deserve to mourn those that she had lost and loved even though time had given her that. The chance mourn and move on.

He sighed and closed his eyes, hearing her apologize once again. Here he stood behind the girl, five steps behind her as always. But, he would break that today.

Her pain had become his pain in a way.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. His steps brought him to her. A heartbeat, a breath, and a touch. Him to her, her to him.

He placed a hand on her shoulder about to caress it for comfort even though she wouldn't sense it. But, dear god was he wrong, when the girl turned around and blasted him away with a surge of magic, he thinks or it was just the girl's raw strength.

Fuck, this is why I don't deal with the supernatural. And, if I'm right about what I'm sensing about her. She's a freaking tribrid.

Unknown to Dan, that night was the night that tethered him back to the real world, to her; and the Moon had witnessed the two souls tethered itself as if there was a golden thread that brought them together.

"Who the hell are you?"


to be continue;

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