01.15: Back To You

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He sometimes wonders what it would be like if he never died as Arne

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He sometimes wonders what it would be like if he never died as Arne. He supposed that he would have been an energetic and noisy boy, unlike who he was today as Dan.

He remembers the stab to his heart by that woman. A brief death, Aurora's words blaming the Mikaelson family, blaming Hope for his death. He was still a young kid back then. Yes, there was still the lingering mystery of how he came back as a ghost and how he was connected with Hope in which through her, he was brought back to the physical world.

He also couldn't fathom how he managed to physically grow as a ghost but thinking too much about it would cost all his brain cells, and it was hard to come by with those kind of things today, in their generation in particular.

It was monday morning, his first day back at the school and here he was standing in front of the mirror, trying out his uniform, which due to his nerves was kind of hard to accept that he already looks fine.

The reflection staring back at him felt like a stranger sometimes. He adjusted his tie for the fifth time, trying to smooth out the creases in his blazer. The school uniform felt both familiar and foreign after his two-year absence.

"You look good," he told himself, taking a deep breath. "You can do this."

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. He turned to see Alaric standing there, a welcoming smile on his face.

"Ready for your first day back?" Alaric asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Dan replied, forcing a smile. "Feels like I'm starting over."

"In a way, you are," Alaric said. "But you've grown a lot, Dan. You've been through a lot. Just remember, you're not alone. We're all here for you."

Dan nodded, appreciating the support. "Thanks, Dr. Saltzman. It means a lot."

As they walked through the halls, the familiar sights and sounds of the school brought back a flood of memories. Students bustled about, laughter and chatter filling the air. Dan couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety.

His first class was History of Magic, a subject he had always found fascinating. As he entered the classroom, he noticed a few curious glances from his classmates. He took a seat near the back, trying to blend in.

"Hey, Dan!" Josie Saltzman called out, waving at him from across the room. "Over here!"

"Pretty good," Josie said, her eyes bright with excitement. "I'm so glad you're back. Even though it was a short time together, we actually missed you."

"Thanks," Dan said, feeling a warmth spread through him. "It's good to be back."

As the class began, Dan tried to focus on the lecture, but his mind kept drifting to the conversation he needed to have with Hope. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he owed it to her—and to himself.

After class, Dan headed to the courtyard. He spotted Hope sitting on a bench, reading a book.

Taking a deep breath, Dan approached her. "Hope."

She turned her head towards him, her eyes widening slightly at the sight of him. "Dan."

There was a moment of silence between them, heavy with unspoken words. Dan took a seat next to her, feeling the weight of his guilt and the longing he’d carried for two years.

"I...I owe you an explanation," Dan began, his voice trembling slightly. "I left because my memories of who I was before you met me two years ago returned. It hurt and it was overwhelming...and I just I couldn't – I needed to sort through my memories, to understand who I am and what I’ve been through. But I should have told you. I should have told you that I needed to leave, you out of everyone should have known because you're the first one here I ever met, and you're my most special person here, from the very beginning. I’m so sorry, Hope.”

Hope looked at him, her expression softening but still guarded. "It hurt, Dan. You just disappeared. I didn’t know if you were okay, if you were coming back."

"I know," Dan said, his voice breaking. "And I’m sorry for that. I thought I was protecting you, but I was wrong. I’ve missed you, Hope. Every day."

Hope’s eyes glistened with unshed tears. "I’ve missed you too, Dan. But things are different now. We’ve both changed."

Dan nodded, understanding the truth in her words. "We have. But I'm here now, and I want to make things right. I still want to be there for you, Hope. I still want to be friends with you, to hang out with you, to help you. Whatever you need, wherever you are, I wanna be there. This time around. ”

Hope met his gaze, her eyes searching his for sincerity. After a moment, she nodded slowly. "Okay, Dan. I'll give you a chance."

A wave of relief washed over Dan, followed by a surge of gratitude. "Thank you, Hope. I won't let you down."

They sat in silence for a while, the weight of their shared history hanging between them. But there was also a glimmer of hope, a sense of possibility for the future.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Hope stood up, offering Dan a small smile. "I'll see you around?"

Dan returned her smile, feeling a sense of warmth blossom in his chest. "Definitely. Take care, Hope."

Later that evening, as Dan walked through the school grounds, he couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude that filled him. He had faced his fears, confronted his past, and come out stronger on the other side.

As he rounded a corner, he spotted Alaric and Hope walking ahead, deep in conversation. He quickened his pace to catch up with them.

"Hey, guys," Dan said, falling into step beside them.

"Hey, Dan," Alaric said, offering him a warm yet a tensed smile. "Hope and I were just on our way to the church, it seems as if there's a report on a possible werewolf sighting. Care to join us?"

Dan nodded eagerly, grateful for the opportunity to help and well be with Hope. As they made their way to the church, he couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging wash over him.

It felt like he was back where he belonged.

Back to you’ he thought as he looked at the auburn girl beside him.

Nevertheless, as they got closer to the church and the bright full moon shined on them, he felt this painful tension in his stomach that ached around his abdominal region.

Is it a sign? He could feel that something was gonna happen, it was tingling everywhere in his bones.

He only wish he knew beforehand so that he could prepare.


Yves speaks!

For some reason, my finals are tomorrow but still I published this out of overthinking huhuhu and I don't know if I like this chapter or I don't like it, it kind of feels rushed, send some thoughts, you lovable creatures.

Sending love to you back as well.

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