01.14: The Return

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Two years and one month have passed since he stepped foot in The Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted. He can definitely say applying as Alaric's aide was good for him. As he was able to gather his thoughts and emotions, he also distracted himself from the overwhelming guilt and memories from all aspects of his life, from his time as Arne of the Lunaris Umbra and Dan, the Lost Boy. 

There was one factor of his major guilt though, Hope Mikaelson. Internally, he knew that he was a coward back then, choosing to run away from his present and letting his past consume him, to the point that he could not control his thoughts around the people with him. He knew that his mind was troubled and due to what happened, vulnerable to certain spells. 

His experience with a certain recruit was proof of that. During the two years of his travels, he contributed so much to the school as a student aide from gathering students, to information, and herbs from all around the places Alaric sent him to that it was honestly exhilarating. He does not know when but the next thing he knew he was already enjoying the job; he successfully attained what he wanted from accepting this position, which was firstly being able to gather his thoughts, organizing his memories to the right order, and letting it flow in the proper manner. Secondly, he was able to help people through his travels, getting to meet other supernatural beings. 

The most particular supernatural existence that caught his eyes was the witches who came from different covens. It was very interesting how each witches had different covens and every time he came across one in his travels, he couldn't help himself from asking them questions.

However, with all said and done, he knew his time was running up. He could feel the unease settling within his chest. The guilt. How can he enjoy his travels knowing that he left someone so dear to him. Hope. She was already someone he adored from the moment he met her even when he didn't remember but now that he knew that they were connected, there's a bittersweet feeling linked within however, the fact remains that he treasures her indefinitely.

“What are you doing out there, Dan?” He looked towards the voice who called out to him and grinned as he saw Roman Sienna, his partner in his travels.

After leaving the school to be Alaric's student aide, he was tasked to do a recruitment mission alongside Roman and after that, they became partners as fellow student aides. He doesn't know if he could call him his friend however it feels that way sometimes.

Right now, they were at a forest nearby Los Angeles, pretty far from their usual locations but the mission has also been a long time coming.

"Just thinking," Dan replied, his eyes scanning the horizon. " I should get back. Alaric has been asking for me to report what we've done for the past few months. "

Roman nodded, but there was a hint of concern in his eyes. "You know, you don’t have to go back if you’re not ready."

Dan sighed. "I have to. It’s time to face everything I left behind."

Then came a silent atmosphere as they looked around the horizon and Dan ever so the boy who was curious asked his partner.

“What about you? Are you returning with me?”

“Unlike you, Alaric hasn't been insistent on asking for me to report back and besides, I'm still not ready to face everything that I left behind. ” Roman replied, avoiding Dan's eyes.

“Okay, well, it's been nice spending these months with you. ” Dan said as he shook hands with Roman. He didn't know much about the boy in front of him but during their travels, he became somewhat of a comfort for Dan while he tried to make sense of his memories.

LOST BOY | HOPE MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now