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< Amnesia >

I can't believe Luke, why the heck does he think I like Jack! He invited me to a party, that's it!

"You're going to be late!" Mum told me

"Ok. Cya later" I huff leaving the house

Today's Friday, last day at school. Yay.


I was standing at my locker when I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist.

I knew it was Luke so I ignored him.

Luke sighed and placed his head on my shoulder

"I'm sorry" he mumbled into my neck

He's breath was thickly against my skin but I couldn't laugh

"Okay" I reply closing my locker and walking off

"Amnesia please" he begged jogging after me

"Okay" I reply again

"Amnesia!" He whined

"That's my name" I say blankly not looking at him

He huffed and suddenly grabbed my hand pulling me against a wall.

"Piss off" I growl

Luke put his hands on the wall trapping me. This wasn't Luke, he would never do this

"Luke" I question raising my eyebrows

He looked at me in the eye and I noticed his eyes weren't the blue they are normally. They were dark and full of hurt and anger

"Luke" I repeat generally scared of him right now

"I said I'm sorry" he said through gritted teeth

What happened with him?

"Luke please stop" I beg

"Stop what?" He snapped moving his body closer so we we're basically touching

I bit my lip not knowing what to say

"Come on speak!" He demanded making me flinch

"It can't you do that anymore? Mute again!" He snarled

I felt a single tear trickle down my face as he spoke.

Why is he doing this?

"L-Luke, you're s-scaring me" I whisper

I looked up at Luke hesitantly, his face dropped and softened when he saw me crying

"Oh my god. A-Amnesia I didn't mean t-that. I'm so s-sorry" he stuttered

I shuck my head and pushed past him running down the hall and out of school. I looked back to see if he was following, which from what I could see he wasn't. When I turned back around my body collided with someone else's, neither of us fell because who ever I ran into stayed on their feet

"Amnesia, what's wrong?" Calum's voice asked

I looked up to see him looking worried

"Cal" i cry hugging him

"Annie, what happened?" He asked wrapping his arms around me

"Amnesia!" Someone suddenly yelled

It was Luke

I tensed up and Cal noticed

"Luke, what happened?" Cal asked

"I-i.. I don't know.. I was a-angry- and- I.. Umm.. Ugh.." Luke couldn't form a sentence

Mute - L.H {5sos}Where stories live. Discover now