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<> Amnesia <>

It was the early hours of Saturday morning, 8:30am to be exact.

For some reason I'd woken early and not been able to get back to sleep, no one else would be waken and I'm extremely bored.

I can't be bothered to make it go get any food but I'm in the mood for a run. Maybe just around town?..

Coming out of my thoughts I jumped from my bed and opened my closet, quickly grabbing my work out clothes {picture at top} I slipped them on before jogging down stairs. I wrote a note for my mum telling her where I was going before grabbing my phone, earphones and water and leaving the house.

The warm air hit me as I entered the outside world, it was so quiet it felt weird.

I like company which probably sounds weird seeing as I am mute but that doesn't mean I don't like being around people.. Luke is fun to be around. He always seems to put a stupid smile on my face! It's annoying sometimes.

Wait, why am I thinking about Luke?!

I brushed the thoughts of the blonde Giant penguin/Giraffe boy out my
Mind as I jogged down the street. After some time I found myself at a park I found yesterday after leaving Luke's.

Oh my god! Back to Luke again! Ffs.

"Stop coming into my mind!" I scold myself

I pushed open the park gate and saw the empty swings and couldn't resist going on them.

I mean come on, who doesn't love the swings?

I found myself getting a little carried away seeing as I had spent the last hour sitting on the same swing deep in thought

So much for a run!

"Amie!" A voice yelled

I lifted my head recognising the voice of the person

And no doubt I saw Grace running towards me with a huge smile on her face, she opened her arms ready to hug me. I stood up opening my arms also

"Amie!" She squealed jumping into my arms

I spun her around making her giggle

I waved at her smiling widely

"Luke! Look who I found!" Grace chirped wiggling from my grip

I placed her on the floor and watched her run to Luke tugging his arm pulling him over

"Hey Am- oh my" Luke stopped

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion, like I do a lot, what was he 'oh my' -ing about?

After noticing Luke staring *cough* *cough* drooling *cough* *cough* over me, I released

"Hey, I'm barely wearing anything!"

Feeling extremely insecure about my body now I tried to cover myself up which was hard

"Y-you out running?" Luke managed to spit out

I nodded feeling my cheeks burn

"You..umm..look n-nice.. I mean.. It's a nice view- oh my god. I didn't mean to say that! I thought it- I mean like its a nice view but I sounded really creepy. I wasn't l-looking at y-you I was just well.. Like I-I don't know..umm... Like.. You're b-body is like... Fit..did I just say that? I'm s-sorry. Oh MY god! I'm just g-going to stop talking n-now" Luke stuttered not thinking what he was saying

By the time he had stopped speaking his cheeks were bright bright red and he wouldn't take his eyes off the ground. He was nervously chewing his lip ring and fiddling with his top

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